New Hunter
I've been a lurker for about three years, first joining the site when I was building my HiC. That project was a lot of fun and I have to thank the MANY whose posts guided me through that process to completion. The HiC sits now in my den which is 100% Star Wars. Next to the HiC is Lord Vader himself, on a mannequin, standing in front of a wall of lighted Death Star panels. At present I'm building a computer desk area, using the rooms closet for depth, which is based on the YT1300 cockpit. While this isn't screen accurate in almost any sense, it does have the SW feel to it. The project is large and our kitchen table is covered with electronic bits, paint and glue tubes and bottles. I still have two walls, the ceiling and HiC's final resting spot to complete, away from the DS wall, to make room for an ESB Boba to stand next to Vader and an Imperial interrogation droid floating at head level. My visions are grand, progress is slow at times and and it all takes money so there's that BUT cruising the pages of TDH always gets the creativity flowing so.....Thanks, to all of you for your stories, pictures, tips and tricks. Thanks for sharing your wins and your losses and finally your wins! Ok, I got my first post done, who0t! May the Fourth be with you very soon, and always!.