Good substitute for Bobo's RF LED's batteries.


Well-Known Hunter
I just found (and tested) a good substitute for Bobo's RF LED's batteries, American version batteries, or easier to find.

I went to the local Walmart and took the wrap of the original Bobo's batteries and compare. The size is not exactly the same (Bobo's batteries are more thicker), but it works perfectly.

Look for the ENERGIZER brand, lithium, number 2032. They fit perfect, easier to take off/install. I bought a two-pack for about $2.50 and that will be good for back-up purpose at Dragon*Con.

Bobafettish was asking earlier for this, so I guess this will be a good search for all Bobo's lights owners here.

hmm, is, uh, Bobo a clown or something?

EDIT: ah, my apologies. I thought you were mispelling Boba lol... Couldn't believe anyone could do it so many times without catching it ;)

Do they work? I knew they were thinner, hence the "32" being the thickness, but the battery salesman said they may not be thick enough or have the lasting power as the 2040.
Hey guys,
I just picked up 8 batteries that my supplier had...all of his supply for now! I know bobafettish and jango_wes wanted some, so how many each guys?

I'd settle for half of them if Wes wants the other half. Any chance of getting them shipped out this week as I will be leaving for Dragon Con in nine days? Just let me know the amount and I will PayPal you.

BobaFettish wrote:

Do they work? I knew they were thinner, hence the "32" being the thickness, but the battery salesman said they may not be thick enough or have the lasting power as the 2040.

Well, never tested the power lenght of those (either Bobo's or mines), but they work, I made sure they work.

I know they're thinner than the 2040, but they still work, easier to install/uninstall, but not sure if they have the same or less amount of power time as the others. At least I could deal with them until I find the 2040's, or Bobo's supplier gets more.

JMP, I understand how you feel, but you'd probably was away from the forum for a little while and you missed something ;) No problem about the name. That's his forum name: BOBO, not BOBA. :D

BTW, thanks Bobo for the job well done! :):thumbsup:

I missed your lights the first time around Bobo because I was saving for something else at the time(JP I believe), is there a chance you will do another run?
Yeah, just lemme know if you want a set, and I'll try and make you one up. I'm just a little busy lately, so I've been out of it for some time :p.

So 1 or 2 sets won't be a big deal for me.

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