I used the liquid Rit Dye.
All I did was follow the directions on the back. I used the Wine colored Dye at first but I am going to get the Scarlett tonight to redden it up.
The wine color looks a little too deep purple but I think with a dye bath of the scarlett, it will give it that deep maroon.
E2K13.... gotta ask you something . When you dyed your girth did it take the color in without a problem? My girh did not take the dye well at all. Did you have to do anything to the girth before you placed it in the hot water with the dey?
I really didn't do anything other then rinsing it under hot tap watr first. If you click on the link in my previous post you can see how well the color stayed. It worked like a charm.
ok this is my first post. hi everyone! i ve been at this site alot but just never signed up. any way i was going to make a few fett girth belts. to sell and went looking for the girthbelts on line for reference when i found this amazing deal. http://www.horse.com/English-Girth-EGO01.html $5.99 on clearence!!!!! this is no joke! i bought 2. good luck. hope this helps.