Girth Belt ?


For a future project..
Yeah another Fett this time ESB variant, so I recently acquired this Girth/Cinch belt and wanted your thoughts on what to do should I re braid it or keep as is ?
Its vintage horse dressage attire and although looking gnarly adds to the charm and comes complete with OG Patina.
I am currently rebuilding my EE-3 after a dog incident left it in two pieces but not a problem to fix.

Heres a photo, i am thinking the braid is a little thin all the pics I have seen seem a little thicker ?


Its a size 34 in length so ideal length.


The girth belt is a twisted mohair version (similar to this one HERE on Amazon), as opposed to a braided nylon version like you have there. You can find them out there still, even ones that are already the appropriate ESB brown. Man of War also makes a girth belt if you would like to look into that as well.
The girth belt is a twisted mohair version (similar to this one HERE on Amazon), as opposed to a braided nylon version like you have there. You can find them out there still, even ones that are already the appropriate ESB brown. Man of War also makes a girth belt if you would like to look into that as well.
Cool thanks for the clarification on the braid and the link.

I'll be sure to check out MOW too.
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