Girth or Rope Belt Information

  • Thread starter Migrate from As You Wish
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Brak's Buddy wrote:

I am a bit confused here. Are these poly or are they mohair? If they are poly that is why they aren't shrinking when you boil them. Mohair shrinks considerably. Poly doesn't as a general rule. I'd love to see some pics of these!

Well they are both in a way.

If you order off the site and just say you want a Maroon mahair girth, like I did until I changed my order, you will get a natural colored mohair girth with Maroon poly crossbars.

You have to specify you want a solid maroon girth, and the solid colored girths only come in Poly.

Reidemiller's pics look great! Better than I thought.
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How long did you guys who order take from the time you order to the time you receive the item in the mail? How long it took to ship to you from there?

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You should get it in about 10 business days. If you're getting ready for Halloween, ORDER NOW. :)

It just occurred to me...I wonder what that company thinks of the sudden spike in 'custom all-maroon color' horse girths?
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batninja wrote:

It just occurred to me...I wonder what that company thinks of the sudden spike in 'custom all-maroon color' horse girths?

i ordered mine already but maybe someone can arrange a group discount?
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I'm soooooo pissed!!

I got mine and it is WRONG!!!! They sent me a SS girth with D rings in the middle of the girth..... :(
Besides it is also tooooooooo damn narrow comared to my old one.

I just called and told them I didn't get what I wanted and they said they can't do returns on a custom girths. They said the CO. that makes them does it this way at times , buyers beware, I'm out $35 ...

I guess I'll try to throw it on eBay....

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That's BS dude. We should all email them are opinions on the matter. I certainly won't buy anything from them. If they sent the wrong stuff, custom or not, you know what I'm sayin'?
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My apologies, folks. I never, in my wildest dreams, thought this company would turn out to be just a flash in the pan. I'm pissed on your behalf, Lynn.

If it were me, I'd call them back and say that the style doesn't look like the one in the online picture, and go from there. They at least have to agree with you on that.

If anyone order at this point, I suppose they have to add to the description, "34", solid maroon, SS buckles, NO EXTRA D-RINGS". That's just stupid.

Again, I'm sorry for all these screw-ups. I thought I was passing along good info from a reliable new source. I plan to write them a letter to let them know the complaints. They may not even read it, but at least I'll feel better.
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Looks like It's back to Painting or dyeing. :(
Fortunatly, Mine was right.
Sorry to anyone who got SCREWED!
I started this here thread.
They seemed like such nice people. If they would have just gotten it right, they probably would have gotten a BUNCH more orders.
Oh well!
I wonder how hard these would be to make? ;)
Robert E.
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Well, I'm over being pissed after I had the day to think about it.
They still won't refund because it is a custom order.

I took it to my work place and try to sell it there to the horse people that come often, then I'll try eBay.

I'm just going to get a regular girth and dye it.

Live and learn,
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Boba Freekk wrote:

i feel for ya lynn :( .i also bought the wrong one too, and practically gave them 35 much for being on a budget.

I used the same ordering system everyone else used.
I didn't order or buy the wrong one, I ordered a maroon English horse girth, this is still technically an English horse girth, but depending on who makes them apperantly is what you get.

What do you expect from NON Fett people.. :lol: :lol:

It is not that the big a deal, well it was last night anyway :lol: , I'll just sell it and move on.

Last edited by a moderator: im confused.if you ordered a all maroon girth why is is the wrong one?

i hope my second order isnt screwed up or im gonna go postal :lol:
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Boba Freekk wrote: im confused.if you ordered a all maroon girth why is is the wrong one?

i hope my second order isnt screwed up or im gonna go postal :lol:

Check my pic of both my girths out in my post,

As everyone else did, I just ordered an all maroon english 14 strand girth with SS buckles and that is what I got.
both girths in my pic are english 14 strand girths, one is Mohair, and the maroon one I got from them is a poly blend because Mohair only comes in natural colors, it just has the damn D rings in the middle, it is just a different style of the 14 strand english girth.

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please any body can tellme the girth size i mean width and height
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The girth I found at the Horse equipment store, is about 4" wide (relaxed) and about 28" long plus or minus an 1" or two. It does stretch. The one I found it perfect for my waist cuz it does not go all the way around as it should not, to leave room for the buckles and straps.
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I got the girth today thru UPS from as stated by Boba Phat before, after that, they did change the website to offer the Maroon one.

I'm not sure, but I got the right one, but the size is quite different from what I ordered (smaller). It's supposed to be a size 30 and it came like a size 29" (actual measure in inches, including the buckles).

Now, if you order, order it two sizes smaller instead of four sizes than your pants size, so they could send the right one.

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The width is actually 4", regardless of lenght of the girth. Like I said before in a thread, you should order your girth about 2" or sizes smaller than your normal waist/pants size to get the right girth.

I just got mine today, and I'm not quite satisfied with it with the lenght of it...shorter by 3-4 inches shorter than I thought (because I'm getting FAT!!! I should start doing sit-ups NOW!!!:facepalm), but at least I have an accurate one.

You should leave about 4 inches in between the buckles to add the strap that joins together around.

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According to their website, they offer the mohair girths in 'natural color' only. You can specify what color the crossbars are, but that's about it. As you can see from Lynn's order, the maker sometimes deviates from the style that's pictured. To me, that's enough for me to discredit their stupid return policy. "If it doesn't look like the one in the picture, I want my money back."

Apparently, the poly-blended girth is still available in maroon and other colors (no crossbar mentioned). Anyone want to try ordering that one instead? :)

I found the buckles at a Tandy Leather store the other day. How hard would it be to find the right strands of mohair in order to make these on our own?
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I just sent this E-mail to their company. I will update when I receive a reply...

To Whom It May Concern:

Back in August, I ordered a 14-strand mohair blend girth belt from, based on reviews of the product from other friends. I was very pleased with the product and workmanship and passed the info onto others. I am part of a small group of theatrical and motion picture prop-makers, and the custom color girth is somewhat of a 'hard-to-find' item. was the first company we had seen in months to offer this piece at a reasonable price.

After paying express shipping charges, I was alarmed when the item did not arrive within the supposed 3 or 4 days. After sending an E-mail to inquire, I was informed that custom orders take longer to process. Although this information was not posted on the website at the time, I see it has been updated. Unfortunately, I never received a refund for the express shipping charges.

Now, several of my friends that ordered from you, based on my recommendations, are complaining about the workmanship and your return policies. One friend in particular received a girth (custom color: maroon), with two 'D' rings attached to the center of the belt - NOT what was pictured. When he inquired about returning the item, he was told that custom orders cannot be returned. There are two problems with that: 1) Nowhere on your webpage does it say that custom orders cannot be returned. 2) The item he was sent is NOT the style pictured. He did NOT order 'D' rings on the girth. If he had wanted extra rings, he would have specified the variance from the picture on the website.

Another customer received a natural girth with custom color crossbars. At the time of his order, there was no clarification on the website about the difference between crossbar and solid colors. I notice that the webpage has been updated to reflect this. Of course, since it was a custom job, he was unable to take advantage of the return policy as well.

Since I was the person who passed your site onto others, I feel partly responsible for the information I passed along to them. If your company cannot correct small orders, then we will continue our search elsewhere. At the very least, I believe your company should review its return policy. I understand that our non-equestrian group is just a small fractional demographic, but your lack of acceptable policies make it difficult for us to pass along your business information to others. The situation has left a bad taste in my mouth, and without some basic policy changes, I doubt I will order from you again.

Thank you for your time.

Eric L. Rothlisberger
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For Lynn and others who had problems with their orders...

Please PM me with your order number (if you still have it). Although I may not be able to do anything with it, I will probably need the numbers so that can research the transactions.

I'll see what I can do.
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