Jimmy, your first one is nearly identical to mine. I can't imagine how you made the correct changes with a file, dremel tools rule.
3 indications that we have the right sizes are: 1, the 1/2 inch braided hose is the same diameter as the corrected 3/8 flare nut so it fits perfectly together. 2, from the pictures you can tell that the nut does not screw onto the nipple, besides flare nut threads and nipple threads are different, even if the pieces were the same size you could never thread them together. 3, 3/8 copper (same as sink faucet supply lines) inserted into the 1/4 inch coupling gives the correct indent between the outside of the coupling and the tube inserted into it as seen on the lower gauntlet assembly.
I worked as a plumber for 8 years and have never seen anything that comes even close to what you and I have made.
JM 2 cents