ESB Leather Rifle Sling Run

Just something to think about.... put this in the Blasters and Shin tools. It will stay around lots longer than being in the Cargo Hold.
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got my sling today and it´s awesome but I need pics how to put it on the Webley because the original Webley lanyard rings that are in the grip and stock are smaller as the ring that was showed by 99centTaco??? The inside of the real webley rings is 0,5 inch but the sling has more so if anyone has pics of the sling installed at his webley I would like to see.

Greetings Guido
Well it did it again, don't know where it is, and that really is going to screw me up later as far as making sure everyone on the list got there sling. Oh well. If you guys have any questions about the slings or your sling let me know. I had a list again for my second run started but lost the names, so if you ask for one please let me know, if you need one please let me know. I am taking names down, and will start accepting payments later this week. Thanks. US $20 outside US $25 include your TDH name

1. Boba Booey - Shipped
2. Acyang - Shipped
3. Acyang - Shipped
5. Slowmo
6. GodaKing
7. Whitewulf - Shipped


Just wondering if mine (Godaking) has been sent yet? I still haven't gotten anything. Thanks.

Can I get on the list? my sling just snapped, broke my gun. Still not even on the list? I paid a little while ago. I know these things take time. Let me know if your not doing another run??
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