ESB main back plate color


I've been doing some research and found very limited info on the back plate main color from other painters (Dark green vs. weherhauser green for the back plate main color). I'm using archive x paints for the greens. It seems the back plate would be painted dark green the same as the collar and weathered / misted with other greens ect, the same as the collar to blend with the collar but it's difficult to tell. In some photos the backplate looks like straight weherhauser green. Just wanted to see what the consensus was from everyone. Thanks!!
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The backplate gets no love! In all seriousness I just always match it with the collar plate. It’s just easier and in my brain makes me feel better that the two connecting pieces of armor, like the cod and kidney plate, match.
The backplate gets no love! In all seriousness I just always match it with the collar plate. It’s just easier and in my brain makes me feel better that the two connecting pieces of armor, like the cod and kidney plate, match.
True! lol... do you have any photos of yours? did you use dark green?
Ignore the Christmas decorations.

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