ESB jumpsuit images?


Active Hunter
Hey gang,

I know I've seen them here, but I can't find them. I thought I saved, tham but can't find them on my hard drive, either...

Does anyone have any good pics of the ESB jumpsuit and details? I know they'd mostly be publicity shots and screen grabs, but that's fine.

I'd like to get some full body shots, and some that show details like the thigh pouches.


The ROTJ jumpsuit will have all of the same details, just a little bit different color... if that helps at all. I know there is alot of ref for ROTJ.
The ROTJ jumpsuit will have all of the same details, just a little bit different color... if that helps at all. I know there is alot of ref for ROTJ.

I thought there were some minor differences like one of the thigh puches being reversed or something like that.

Are they really primarily the same outside of color and weathering?

Thaks for the response!

That's the canvas hip/drop pouches that are reversed, the one hanging off of the ammo belt... ESB and ROTJ jumpsuits should have been made off of the same patterns from what I understand.
Gotcha. Then there's still one last image I'm looking for. I seem to remember a picture showing all the Fett equipment laid out of the floor in an exploded diagram sort of way. If I remember correctly, it shows the jumpsuit with nothing on it, and shows the ankle straps as well.

Can anyone point me towards this, or something similar?

Thanks again,

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