ESB Helmet Green under ROTJ Armor?

Tyler Durden

Well-Known Hunter
Since this a sort of odd, multifaceted question (is it armor, helmet, paint) I thought I would place it here temporarily for exposure. Looking for some pics to show the black splatter on the MOM ROTJ armor, I noticed a few shades a green under the main ROTJ green that look a lot like the ESB helmet green. Does anyone else think the color is similar?

LoL@the fellas

Well, the reason I wanted to get some back up on the color is that I am always looking for new and accurate references to the ESB helmet color. Unfortunately, I don't think that is the color of the ESB armor.
According to my sources, it is the ESB armor re-painted! To show age and improvement in ROTJ, they added the new green over the top!!
(Fish on)! ;) <snicker, snort, whoop>!!!
Hi Delta13,

I'm not sure who your "sources" are, but can you present any proof to support that claim? The color underneath the ROTJ MOM armor is the ESB HELMET green. It is not the color of the ESB ARMOR green. The ESB Armor was a different color than the helmet.

Hope I don't sound rude, but those sort of unfounded/unsupported claims are exactly what the TDH has been trying to correct/disprove, ect... If your sources can point you to some good photos for comparison to prove your point, please post them. :)

Delta13 wrote:

According to my sources, it is the ESB armor re-painted! To show age and improvement in ROTJ, they added the new green over the top!!
(Fish on)! ;) <snicker, snort, whoop>!!!
HEHE...My post was just a little jab at the ESB TEAM vs. ROTJ TEAM rivalry!! (Yes, I have a dry sense of humor...I know):)
I don't really think it is the same armor! Note my comment: 'Fish On' other words, looking for a reaction!
LOL I hate when I misread other people's posts or misinterpret somebody's tone - makes me feel like such an idiot!

Luckily it only happens twice a day....maybe three....four tops........

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