check out my display :D

secol FETT

Well-Known Hunter
well today i made a ductape bust :) and works good, not exellent but good, any way here are some bad pics :( sorry for that

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i use a big bottle to neck and head :D
Hey, thats pretty cool!!!! Might have to try that. So is it a wooden frame & then completely wrapped w/ duct tape??? How many rolls did you use???:)
Nice!!!...i was thinking of something like that for my display...(im on a budget)... trata con pedazos de stereofoam, eso lo iba a tratar los otros dias...

Jango's kid wrote:

Hey, thats pretty cool!!!! Might have to try that. So is it a wooden frame & then completely wrapped w/ duct tape??? How many rolls did you use???:)

well i use an old shirt, and start to cover with the duct tape, btw i use 3 rolls, obviusly you need extra help.
Whe i was covered complete, damn i look like trepio :lol:
cut and take off, the cut was made in the back to the neck,
and the arms just take off, then patch agani with the duct tape close the small holes, neck and arms, and start to get old clothes cuted or any other stuff, and voila you are "busted"
hey , i made a duct tape bust . but i was not told that you should put a t shirt on to do it . needless to say it really hurt and took a long time to get it off . i had tape resin on my skin for a week . it had to be the stupidest thing i have ever done .

BH2372 wrote:

hey , i made a duct tape bust . but i was not told that you should put a t shirt on to do it . needless to say it really hurt and took a long time to get it off . i had tape resin on my skin for a week . it had to be the stupidest thing i have ever done .

ouch man...sorry to hear that
but to the part to get it off i just cut the damn thing on the back then retape ;)
you dont loose the shape :) if you made some cuts here and there
and always use a long sleeve shirt ;)
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