C4 - What we did well and what we could do better

Art Andrews

Community Founder
Community Staff
As C4 was our first true publicity event, we would like to go over it with you, our members, and get your take on what went well, and what we can change, remove or add to make it even better at future events! So give us your thoughts, opinions and ideas! Remember, the ultimate purpose of having a booth at these events is to raise awareness for the website and bring more members to this community.
One thing I really liked is when there was stuff on the table to display and get people's attention. A good example is members' helmets and blasters. I noticed it seemed to catch a lot of people's interests who were just walking by. It's funny how I heard the question "are these for sale" popping up.

Having said that, there is one suggestion I would make (especially since that golden statue was on the table.) There should be signs on the table that say "please do not touch." Well, maybe that's just me ... I usually just freak out when I see a visitor just randomly pick up a helmet, but I'd hate to see anything get damaged or destroyed.
Yes, there definately needs to be a do not touch sign. Some people might think its rude to come just come out and say "don't touch my stuff", but when theres a kid who just goes around touching everything and trying to pull triggers on the guns and make the RF's go down then it needs to be said. Maybe there should also be a not for sale sign, too.

Oh, and a foam floor under and around the table :lol: Whenever I heard a thunk of something hitting the floor my heart skipped a beat.
You guys are right. Having a "prop" table behind the people at the booth just in front of the banner could show off props that we don't want touched, and the front table could be for "hands on" items and stickers, cards, etc.

Having props at the booth really peaked people's interest, so finding a balance between safety for the items and showing them off is a good idea.

Oh, I think we ran out of stickers too, they went like hot cakes! :lol:

How about some sort of a glass case that is open from the back? That way members working the booth can get to the items and the public can't.
Not a bad idea at all. It definitely helps to have a few props on the table. Gives people something interesting to look at. Also, some printed fliers that people can take back home with them with the web address and some minor info. I know for the NEG, Brian's made some nice costume pricing sheets to give people a 3,000 foot overview of how much something will roughly cost to make.
On the note of protecting stuff... we did a costume workshop at the Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination exhibit. I looked a way for a moment, then came back to see someone walking off wearing my Fett helmet!

I went over to the kid, probably about 16, and rather aggressively recovered my property. He claimed that the thought that it was ok to take, since it was out on the table.

On the flyer note... that's definitely a good thing. The costume pricing one has been really popular, as have the general recruiting ones.

I think for TDH, making something up based on the "how much will you spend" thread would be ideal. It would be great for the folks that are really into it, and would save other people the trouble of getting all excited about doing it, then realizing how much time and money goes into it.
Definately the glass case is a good idea. While everyone was having a blast down at CIV, I did a troop up here in MN, and some lady started walking off with my blaster when I set it down for a minute, and was pointing it at people. Law enforcement almost got involved!!!! So yeah...I like the case idea!! :)
We honestly wanted to do some type of a case originally for those reasons but then we looked at prices... We were pretty limited with our budget due to the costs of banners. My question would be, is there anyone out there that might be able to construct some kind of case, or cases that we could use for display purposes? I think this would really be incredibly helpful. Because we did not, that is why I only asked folks to bring stuff when they were working, so they could keep an eye on it and no one else would be responsible for it. It just amazes me people just walking up to the table and picking stuff up that doesn't belong to them.
what about picking up a couple of ikea detolf cases? they are only $60... probably cheaper than building something. i was thinking about trying to put one on its side for display
Yep, a display case of some sort would be ideal. We had a few little ones that lunged at some of the helmets and other props (if I was 7 hell yeah I would too!!!) Luckily, all our volunteers we extra mindfull of all the goings on in our surroundings that we had it pretty much in control. We got lucky. Do Not Touch signs are a must.

I do know that the side banners need to be off the ground some how as well. Ideally it would have been way better to have them on the sides of the table, though due to Union rules, we had to stay within the footprint as indicated by the tape on the floor. The higher up we can get the side banners, the better! Also, a live internet connection would be great (LA Convention Center wanted $1000 for an internet connection!!!) for on site regristration for new members (Brak's idea) I can tell you folks had we been able to regrister new members on site, we would have at least garnered 150 new members this past weekend.
I would have LOVED to have internet! Hopefully it will be a possibility the next time we do this. I wonder if it would have worked if we had a wireless internet card, like sprint or whoever, if that would have worked or if they would have been able to block it. Onsite registration would have been awesome!

WOW! That case is pretty awesome and that is an incredible price! I think I need some of those for myself! I'm thinking though we would prefer to have something that we could place on the table. I know we were thinking of helmet cases for buckets but it would be great to have something a bit bigger for other pieces.
I would have LOVED to have internet! Hopefully it will be a possibility the next time we do this. I wonder if it would have worked if we had a wireless internet card, like sprint or whoever, if that would have worked or if they would have been able to block it. Onsite registration would have been awesome!

WOW! That case is pretty awesome and that is an incredible price! I think I need some of those for myself! I'm thinking though we would prefer to have something that we could place on the table. I know we were thinking of helmet cases for buckets but it would be great to have something a bit bigger for other pieces.


Word of caution on the Detolf case. I have one, love it. It's great as a helmet display. However, it's no where near practical to move around. I dread just having to get it up the stairs when I eventually move. Dismantling it is out of the question, too, and it's very, very heavy.
The 501st had a good idea putting the costumes inside a wire mesh cage, so people wouldn't touch. Maybe we could make a display out of the vinyl coated wire mesh that is used in those closet kits. You could make them just big enough to hold a few helmets, and fold them flat when you transport them. It may seem tacky, but you could put them together easily with Zip ties. You could make some that are longer to hold a blaster. There wouldn't be any glass to break, and their pretty rugged. You could make them any size, and they could fit on a table. You could keep them closed with a small lugguage lock, and it would definatly keep people from touching. If people were really interested, you would have the option to take the stuff out for a picture, or for people to look at.. at your discression.
I would have LOVED to have internet! Hopefully it will be a possibility the next time we do this. I wonder if it would have worked if we had a wireless internet card, like sprint or whoever, if that would have worked or if they would have been able to block it. Onsite registration would have been awesome!

i have verizon's wireless service. it works well anywhere that there's a strong verizon signal.

i'm planning to bring it to dragoncon, so if there is to be some TDH thing there, i may be able to offer it up. i've got a few laptops too, so i could just leave one with the table

live TDH webcam feed? that seemed to work out really well for the 501st table at c4.

WOW! That case is pretty awesome and that is an incredible price! I think I need some of those for myself!

i've got 4 at home, and am thinking of a 5th. :)

the caution of moving the cases is definitely valid. i built and moved all 4 in one shot, and it was somewhat less than fun. not out of the question, but not easy either.

something smaller and table based would definitely be more practical. anyone who has seen the amount of junk i usually bring to events we do here knows how much stuff i tend to bring, so that suggestion probably wasn't well thought out :)
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