Boba Fett ESB Helmet Ultra Stencils

It was definitely some kind of God's Hand involved which allowed me to create these files.

amazon prime video hand kiss GIF by American Gods
i dont want this to sound a daft question but, how do you use the stencils im new to the site. is there a thread out with instructions. i just cant find it thanks

Read through the ESB section of this thread for more info ==> Boba Fett Helmet Consolidated Paint Up Threads.
i dont want this to sound a daft question but, how do you use the stencils im new to the site. is there a thread out with instructions. i just cant find it thanks
Did you figure out how to use the stencils? I can’t find it in the threads either.
Hi RafalFett ,

Firstly, thank you for all your work on this. It's wonderfully detailed, and very inspiring!

I have a helmet which I built to your v2 plans. I'm thinking of repainting it using the ultra paint templates.

I've run into a problem getting one of the templates to fit. This also affects the older paint templates.

The problem is with the back left panel. Your v2 helmet build templates give a top length measurement of 146mm, and a total height at the keyslots of 110.5mm, with the keyslot cutout being 101mm tall: and a measurement of 117.5 tall at the ear. Both the actual templates and the accompanying diagrams show these measurements.

I have faithfully built to these measurements... but the paint template for this area doesn't fit.

If I scale it so that the top length of the paint template is 146mm, the template is too tall. If I make it fit the keyslots or the ear area, it doesn't stretch from one side to the other - falling short at about 140mm.

It's just this one template which doesn't fit - the rest all match to within a millimeter or two, which is tolerable for painting.

Which one is more accurate please? I'm guessing it's the (newer) paint templates but it never hurts to check!

-- David.
Hi RafalFett ,

Firstly, thank you for all your work on this. It's wonderfully detailed, and very inspiring!

I have a helmet which I built to your v2 plans. I'm thinking of repainting it using the ultra paint templates.

I've run into a problem getting one of the templates to fit. This also affects the older paint templates.

The problem is with the back left panel. Your v2 helmet build templates give a top length measurement of 146mm, and a total height at the keyslots of 110.5mm, with the keyslot cutout being 101mm tall: and a measurement of 117.5 tall at the ear. Both the actual templates and the accompanying diagrams show these measurements.

I have faithfully built to these measurements... but the paint template for this area doesn't fit.

If I scale it so that the top length of the paint template is 146mm, the template is too tall. If I make it fit the keyslots or the ear area, it doesn't stretch from one side to the other - falling short at about 140mm.

It's just this one template which doesn't fit - the rest all match to within a millimeter or two, which is tolerable for painting.

Which one is more accurate please? I'm guessing it's the (newer) paint templates but it never hurts to check!

-- David.

As KaanE said, the ultimate and ultra stencil are made to fit the lineage helmets. For my RWH v2 templates use these stencils for your build ==> Boba Fett ESB Helmet Stencils.
I've been painting a PP2 for the past couple of weeks using RafalFett templates and I continue to be in awe at the detail and accuracy all of the templates have. Even with the high resolution photos of the prepro helmet, I can't wrap my head around how he does it. These ultimate stencils are incredible and I'll be upgrading my ESB helmet soon as I have a lineage minutefett just waiting to be painted. Just a random post about the amazing contribution to the community that these stencils are. Someday, I'd love a documentary series on how you go through the process of creating them. If there's a thread, I will read it with the same interest I read the crazy thread here or on BFB about the original paints! :)
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