BM ESB Bucket by our very own, Darth Miller


Well-Known Hunter
Since I can’t paint and I know I can’t Darth Miller here made me a very kind offer, something that I could not pass on. So I thought id show off some of his work and the process that it will go through. Can up to date at my web page






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Is he not using masking fluid? Going all topical with the scratches? (the way I like to paint btw). It looks like it because there is no shot of it all silvered up.
Delta-9 said:
Is he not using masking fluid? Going all topical with the scratches? (the way I like to paint btw). It looks like it because there is no shot of it all silvered up.

it was painted silver first. I am using the "scratch" method to remove the paint. It gives a very authentic battle damaged look to it.
The guy that spent a fortune on a helmet because he didn't have the skills, is now painting other peoples helmets.. :lol: that's great..

see that.. You did better then you thought you could and now you're hooked.. lookin good so far..
I like the topical method because I feel like I have more control but I do like the looks of the scratch method helmets too and yours so far is dead on in color, keep posting, I love these kind of threads.
DM has exhibited some impressive talent the last few months and I only think it will progress and grow further.:D
Pretty soon you'll have yourself a fine ESB bucket after he's through.:)
Shortimer52-I just wanted to say thanks for the opportunity to paint your helmet. Its going to be lots of fun and I hope to make you proud!!
I did the silver first and then with school and job and B/S like that I just didn’t have time to do the paint. SO a little update on the awesome bucket.



Wow...this looks great. I ought to have himdo MY helmet. because we all know how well I can paint;). You are doing an EXCELLENT job! You have a GREAT helmet on the way!
DarthMiller said:
it was painted silver first. I am using the "scratch" method to remove the paint. It gives a very authentic battle damaged look to it.

I am trying to undersand all the tips and hints on bucket painting and have a question on this one. (Forgive me on the finer points of color). You painted back in the dark green, yet from the pictures it was before the 'skin color/tone' (like I said, I don't know all the names yet!). Then you scratched off this to reveal the green (for the majority of the back), then scratched further to reveal the chrome? This is how you can get the appearance of the 'skin' tone edging, between the chrome and the green. Right?

Trying to understand before I have a try/attempt...
painted silver first...then put yellow skin tone color. I used masking fluid. then painted green. Removed masking fluid to reveal yellow. then used a combination of light gray, dark gray to paint details. then scraped off additional ares to reveal silver. hope that helps...last bucket I did I just painted all of the detail on the back

Caomhanach said:
I am trying to undersand all the tips and hints on bucket painting and have a question on this one. (Forgive me on the finer points of color). You painted back in the dark green, yet from the pictures it was before the 'skin color/tone' (like I said, I don't know all the names yet!). Then you scratched off this to reveal the green (for the majority of the back), then scratched further to reveal the chrome? This is how you can get the appearance of the 'skin' tone edging, between the chrome and the green. Right?

Trying to understand before I have a try/attempt...
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DarthMiller said:
painted silver first...then put yellow skin tone color. I used masking fluid. then painted green. Removed masking fluid to reveal yellow. then used a combination of light gray, dark gray to paint details. then scraped off additional ares to reveal silver. hope that helps...last buckst I did I just painted all of the detail on the back

What he
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