Another MS3 helmt progress thread


The bucket is done! I am now in the process of scraping off the mustard, currently using a toothpick. Let me tell you I am loving how things are turning out so far. There are a few areas that I am not too pleased with, namely the back area... it's a bit bluer that I wanted, but after all is said and done, I love how it looks.

I got pictures and will post tomorrow.

BTW - anyone have a suggestion as to what to use to scrape off the mustard? Toothpicks are way too small and flimsy and I dare not use a hobby/x-acto knife for fear of gouging the helmet or ruining the paint!

Pictures!!!!!! :)

Mind you all I still have a lot more to take off as well as do some minor clean up, but... this really is my first attempt at a bucket from start to finish!!!!

BTW - anyone have a suggestion as to what to use to scrape off the mustard? Toothpicks are way too small and flimsy and I dare not use a hobby/x-acto knife for fear of gouging the helmet or ruining the paint!



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I again approach you all for some sage advice. I am in the midst of removing the mustard from my helmet and would like to know what you all used at this point. Right now, I am using cuticle sticks, but I can't help thinking there has to be a better way.

Can someone please give me a bit of advice as to what I can use? Thanks a lot!
when i've used the latex masking method, i usually use my fingers to pull the paint off. i scrape the paint with my fingernail and then rub it off with my fingers.

i found that gave me better control than the rubber cement eraser usually recommended.
It's getting closer to being done. I painted the kill stripes last night...
Now, I get the dirty the sucker up and then I plan to seal it.

However, I am fery proud of myself. :)




I am just a step or two away from completing this helmet. I just need to install the visor and make an adjustment on the RF/Stalk area so the cap/cover sits flush and that will be it.

This helmet has really been a trial for me. I've learned a lot from it about what to do as well as what not to do. I have also learned a great deal from all you fine folks out there that have given me advice and help along the way. I owe you all a debt of gratitude.

This, by far, has been the most detailed helmet I have ever undertaken. The first helmet I ever worked on was modding a rubies Scout into something I can use for my costume. This helmet (Fett) has shown me just how much talent and devotion you all have. Not just to the character we all know and love, but also to the art of costuming as well as fandom.

It has been a dream of mine, since I was a kid, to dress as Boba Fett, and now, I get to realize that dream! Thank you all so much for letting me share a small piece of it with you. This is no way means I am leaving TDH. I'm here to stay! I just wanted to thank you all for your help!

FINAL IMAGES! The helmet is 100% completed. I'm sure there are a few things I could have done better, but considering this is my first attempt ever at getting a raw helmet, painting, distressing and everything, I am very pleased with my work!

I now present... MS3 #12 - ESB





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