Another MS3 helmt progress thread

First, I apologize for the double post. However, I have pictures of my progress that I wanted to share with you.

As you can see in the images, I now have the silver base coat on the bucket. I used Krylon Fusion and then hit it with Rustoleum Silver Metalic

I think it came out pretty good. I did notice a run line on the back which I'll lightly sand and deal with as I go on. :)

comments/critiques are appriciated.





Well, I have some progress to report. I've started making off the areas for the silver to show through. No pictures as of yet... but I am doing this completely freehand. I have been looking at a lot of reference shots of different helmets as well as making a few custom "splotches" here and there. In the end, it's going to be my interpretation of Boba.

As soon as I get more work done, I'll post pictures... so please stay tuned.
Well, as promised, another update.

I've started the process of making and painting. I just laid down the dark gray layer last night and then started to mask it off. The images attached are when I remembered to take pictures.

The Gray is the Lark Dark Gray that was reccommended by Rogue Studios' post. The other blue/white material is liquid masking film. I'm not using any templates or stencils on this. Instead I am going completely by eye, and putting marks close to what I see and what I think looks good!

I finished masking everything off last night and plan to hit the helmet with some more paint (either the maroon for the band and mandibles or earth for the back.

More images will come as I progress on this helmet. So far, I am liking how it's looking, but until it's completely painted, I won't be able to make a full opinion of my skills. Sure, it may not be 100% screen accurate, or look as good as many of your helmet's here.... but I do have to say that I am rather proud that I am even attempting to do this!




The silver was masked off and then I painted the entire helmet with the dark gray. :) I didn't do too much last night because I ran out of airbrush propellant and all the stores I went to didn't have a compressor that would work with my airbrush! (grumble, grumble).

I finally got my hands on a can of propellant this morning, so now I can actually work on hitting the back with the Earth color and the brow with the Maroon!

I hope to do that tonight!
I'm glad the boards are back up and running. I have been wanting to post more pictures of my progress over the weekend! :)

And now that things are up and running again, here they are!

I know the painting so far is a bit... off. However, I will clean this up and make sure that it looks good. Since this is preliminary paint... it will all be covered up with the final paint colors! :)





Yeah... I did. I just wanted to make sure that I had more than enough masking fluid on there. It is probably too much, but being that this really is my first time doing a helmet like this... I'm still learning.

Who knows, maybe after the stencils come out, I'll repaint my helmet again and this time do a better job of masking if off so it's not so thick! :)
I am about to cry!
I finished painting last night... carefully removed the masking tape and it looked perfect. I got ready to removed the liquid masking material... and everything.. I mean EVERYTHING... came off! It went down to the silver base coat, and in some areas, even that was removed!

All my hard work... wasted! I am actually really peeved, and upset this happened. I have no idea what the deal is/was but as of now, I have to start from scratch! The only things that didn't get messed up were the ears! Everything else is a complete loss!!!
I am about to cry!
I finished painting last night... carefully removed the masking tape and it looked perfect. I got ready to removed the liquid masking material... and everything.. I mean EVERYTHING... came off! It went down to the silver base coat, and in some areas, even that was removed!

All my hard work... wasted! I am actually really peeved, and upset this happened. I have no idea what the deal is/was but as of now, I have to start from scratch! The only things that didn't get messed up were the ears! Everything else is a complete loss!!!

Yikes, how did that happen?
I had that same thing happen when I started Shabads MS 3. There may be some residue from the mold realease agent that needs to be washed off the helmet before painting. Kinda like what you have to do with plastic model airplane kits. Liquid dishsoap should work, then go over it with some really fine grit sand paper, like an 800 grit. That's what I did and never had the problem again.
Also, that very problem is why I am a proponent of 'Mustard' as a liquid mask. It holds shape, but doesn't grab hold of the paint underneath it.
Topical paintjobs rule. :p

yes they do.On a side note, some types of liquid masking have a "lift off time" where they will cleanley let go for a certain amount of time. Like painters tape even though I have a hard enough time keeping it on when you look at the store you'll notice they have 14 day and 7 day tape and what not.
Yes sir. Just your average, plain jane "French's" (or should that be Fett's) yellow mustard!

Thanks for the words of support everyone. I took today aside to kinda gather myself together, get some of the items I'll need and tomorrow morning, I am going to set out stripping the helmet down to the bare skin, and then start this process all over again. However, this time, I am going to be using mustard!

If there is a good thing to come out of this... at least I know that I now can do this... after my last helmet (modding only) I swore I would never ever do another helmet again. I am the type of guy that expects things to go perfect the first time around... so this is a good lesson for me.

Again... I'll keep you all updated!!!
Greetings all...
Just wanted to give you all an update as to my helmet progress. I am done with all under layers of paint. (silver, dark gray, maroon, earth). I just need to add more mustard to the earth and maroon layers (did that last night) and I can start laying down the final colors, again.

Using the mustard is actually really entertaining. Of course, the entire house smells of mustard now, and it makes me want to make a few hot dogs. The biggest drawback is watching my dog go nuts because she smells the mustard and wants to lick it off the helmet.

However, last night, as I was working on the earth color, my airbrush died. So a moment of silence for it. (pauses) Ok, moment's done! Now, I get to do the final masking and then... final colors!
Yeah most masking fluids will have a maximum release time, I used Humbrol maskol which your not supposed to leave on for more than 4 hours, it can make it hard to peel it off if your paints not cured enough though, I look forward to seeing more pics, those MS3's sure are pretty, and is the MQ-1 circuit now cast into the back of the helmet? I didnt notice that before?
Yes it is! Of course, as soon as I hit the area with the burgandy paint tonight, I'll snap some pictures and post them as soon as I get in Monday Morning!
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