airbrush cleaning help...


Active Hunter
Hey guys, I’m having airbrush problems… Now here’s the deal, I’m running both Iwata and Badger airbrushes, I’ve got separate compressors with the little water trap deals. I’ve been using a variety paints, but mostly Foquil enamel. I put a coat down, flush the brush out with some thinner and than do another coat in 30 mins or so. The problem is that after a few uses the brush won’t put out any paint and very little air flow is coming out, about this time the air backs up and starts bubbling out through the little paint jar. From best I can tell, the tips are getting clogged (correct me if I’m wrong) and I can’t for the life of me get it cleaned out. If I replace the tip, it works fine but soon gets clogged up the same way.

So what I am wondering, is the there any magic to cleaning my air brushes? Back in the early 90s we had little sonic cleaning tanks for our technical pens (for manual drafting). Is there such a thing for use with airbrushes? Or is there a super chemical for flushing these out?

Any help would be great!

(I gotta’ get my airbrush up and running so I can do a Ziggy Stardust velvet painting!)

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Not sure if it'll be any help, but I use a Paache airbrush and an HVLP spray gun and I have noticed that sometimes I need to pull the needle out and clean out the nozzle even after flushing the entire system. It's a bit of a hassle sometimes but it helps.

Like I said, not sure if that helps at all, but if you wanna go over any details feel free to PM me.
Yes, what Prymer said. You need to take out the needle and clean it, as well, you should use a Q-Tip and cleaner to clean out the inside areas as well. You get build up anywhere the paint goes. A Q-tip and cleaner works well on the front nozzel area also. Cleaning often while you work reduces the build up too.

I've had a Badger for one 20 yrs and another for about 6 yrs. They both are in great working condition.

Try thining your paint also. : )

I find that placing some of the lubricant on the needle in between uses/cleanings really helps keep my airbrush free and clear. However, there are those times when I have to break down the brush and submerge it every so often to loosen accumulated gunk.
Make sure your thinning your paints beffore you use them. I always clean them by taking them apart, and scrubbing them with Laquer thinner. Also I use a small guage wire to poke thru any clogged bits.
Thanks for the replys, I should get in the shop this weekend and see if I can use some of the tips here to get these buggers up and running.

Thanks again!
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