What, you hate that name (there is a long story on where it came from)? I am hoping to trademark the name once I make enough money from them. I did some prelim searching into getting a federal trademark and it is not cheap. I may go the legalzoom.com route to save some cash.
Once this thing is finished and out there (and hopefully people like it), if anyone has any ideas for electronic parts for their fett (or any other costume) let me know and I will see if I can come up with something. I have an idea to make the servo kit an all in one kit (wireless servo rotation as well as rf lights with the GOR bulbs), but that is farther down the road.
I would like to build an entire kit (rf topper, stalk, electronics), with the idea that a person could get the kit and just make a few connections and the set up is ready to go.
Maybe I should go on kickstarter, if people will pay for a dude to make potato salad, why wouldn't people pay to help develop something useful like an electronics kit for a boba fett helmet?