I'm making a custom mando, as many of you have read. Which color should I use? I"m going for a black unsersuit with red or gold armor. I'm just asking opnions, here.
Meh, red ar gold is what really gets me. I made a bionicle with black&gold, looks amazing, then again, red looks more like a sith. I'll be sure to work out some sketches later.
Some people have googled and found some black and white mando "coloring pages" of a sort. Then they just colored them by hand to try out different color schemes.
Put together some color samples (using photoshop or something) to give us, and you, a better idea of how it would look. When I was choosing my colrs/design I used a picture of the Pepsi Boba display and colored it in how I wanted. Not perfect but it gave me some good ideas.