Which color should I use?

Zurath Kodul

Active Hunter
I'm making a custom mando, as many of you have read. Which color should I use? I"m going for a black unsersuit with red or gold armor. I'm just asking opnions, here.
I suggest you use complemetry colours and before you paint make sure to make some consept art to see what the armor will look like.

cant wait to see pics customs are awsome
Meh, red ar gold is what really gets me. I made a bionicle with black&gold, looks amazing, then again, red looks more like a sith. I'll be sure to work out some sketches later.
Some people have googled and found some black and white mando "coloring pages" of a sort. Then they just colored them by hand to try out different color schemes.
Put together some color samples (using photoshop or something) to give us, and you, a better idea of how it would look. When I was choosing my colrs/design I used a picture of the Pepsi Boba display and colored it in how I wanted. Not perfect but it gave me some good ideas.
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