Pistols Westar-34 MR quality full metal repoductions.

Received mine!!! In two words... A-MAZING!!!!



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Yes... even for electronics... I got a bit more room by putting only two AAA batteries... LEDs work very good so (even with a 3w central LED)... I also removed the plastic tube...
I got mine yesterday, and have the first one assembled (left). To the right is the 3D printed one that I modeled up last week.

One interesting comment -- I've only unwrapped one of them so far, but this one had 3 different colored LEDs included. There were 2 blue, 2 green and 2 red. I replaced them all with blue (because I like the look of blue -- I'm being merciful and setting my blasters to stun I guess), but definitely listen to the "check the colors of your LEDs" advice in the build guide and be prepared to swap some out.

I also had a hard time getting the brass tube to fit... not sure what I was doing wrong but it was about 1/8" too long. I trimmed it down rather than fussing about it too much.

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