Webley...Rubber EE-3 Blaster

Well being busy is much better than not. Glad to hear you are ok though. At least you know where to come to get work if you slow down.
Heh. It's funny, I didn't know that anyone was interested in the Webleys. I've never gotten email asking about them. Then, I checked my private messages...Holy cow! I had no idea.

Anyway, the truth of the matter is that I'd love to produce the Webleys for you guys. I will try and get the pricing down. I told TK409 (chris) that I will bring Sci-Fire back online by late November. The idea is this...I will only be selling stocked items so that I won't get behind in orders and piss people off. Believe me...people are pissed off at me right now. Delivery has been a serious issue due to my real job schedule. We are into production on War of the Worlds and Pirates 2&3 now. It's very busy.
Take your time. We all have real world jobs and all pretty much understand. Bringing the price down will definately help some of us acquire one of these but like I said, you can't rush perfection. I am just happy to find out that it wasn't some sort of legal issue and that you are doing well man.
Let us know because you know we are always here.
Too bad I am not closer or I would offer to help you out.
Because this is Postmortem's project, I will let him tell you what his asking price is or was. I know what he quoted me but I am not sure if that was the final price he was going to go with. It is best to e-mail him for the pricing or PM. I can tell though that it may be a while before we see this come to fruition.
As I said before though, you can't rush perfection!
i dont think it would be a problem but the gun laws here are a bitch (excuse my languige) didnt know if it went for replicas or not, even though its a solid piece of rubber. lol:D
I've shipped to Canada, Japan, Taiwan, Italy, UK, Australia, Mexico, New Zealand, Texas, Colorado, Utah, Florida, New Mexico, Oregon, Washington, Ohio, New York, Louisiana, South Dakota, Nevada and Georgia. I haven't had a problem yet. It not a "replica" it's a movie prop. LOL.
lol srry, i apologize. if you shiped to newyork i think its all right here then :) (by the way all if you got the SW dvd's watch them in another language. its verry funny how vader and luke sound.
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