Webley...Rubber EE-3 Blaster

Thank you for all the hard work you put in on these John. I absolutely love mine. The only problem I have with it is that the rest of my armor sucks by comparison so now I have to upgrade everything!
Still have not recieved my blaster, glad some of you are enjoying them. Any word on when we might get these John? Any?

TK080 BH080
70th Explorers Squad Leader
Missouri - Kansas
Hey Guys, although I haven’t actually spoke with John over this matter I can assure you that the wait will be worth your while these guns are FANTASTIC! Sometimes real world issues catch up with you and your left with no other choice but to put your props on hold. Generally most people who are taking the risk of supplying us with these props have a job, significant other, children, a home to look after etc. In short a full time life to live, some busier than others.

I’m not trying to make excuses for anyone, I would just like to ask those of you who are waiting on there guns to extend a little more patience to postmordem01 right now.
Well, I hope this doesn't sound out of line or impatient, but there are quite a few of us who would shure appreciate a simple update. As MS pointed out, we all understand that life takes first priority, but please don't leave us hanging with no word. If you are able John, please let us know what the scoop is. It would be greatly appreciated. THanx;)
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