*UPDATE #5- Mandalorian Imperial Mercenary. ARMOR PROGRESS


I've made some random posts, but figued it was time to start a thread for this project so I'm not littering it in other people's threads.

here's what I've got:

The rough concept, I've already made some changes, but still the general idea.

This is my Rifle, there are many others like it, but this one is mine!

Jet Pack redesigned. BigaboyFett pointed out in another thread that my sketch jet pack looked similar to McQuarrie's concept. This was unintended, so I've made some revisions, still in the early planning stages.

Though he collects an imperial paycheck, he's still a Mandalorian. Here's the logo:

The bucket concept. The orginal photo was of an ESB bucket i found online, author unknown. I photoshoped it for the sake of reference:

Thats it so far, I'll be posting updates, pics etc. I am as always open to suggestions and criticisms.


C*E*N*O*B*Y*T*E wrote:

Looks good Christov. Now get to work on making this thing so we can see it!

ok ok, damn it! Finals are this week and next. after that, I'll start painting the armor.

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What you could use for a JP is the ones that the stormtroopers have on Battle Front. Or at least get a idea from there.
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Looks pretty scary. You will be a Fett for our nightmares! One tiny observation. Your rockets on the jet pack...they may be prone to, hypothetically, explosive combustion due to heat from the lateral positioning above and perpendicular to the fuel cells within the unit...ohhhh, never mind! It is the way you like that truly matters and we should follow our dreams rather than be pushed to change!!!!...a big a glass 'O wine tastes delicious after a long and shippy tay ad tee offiss! Rock on my CHRISTOV!



BelaLugosi wrote:

I've made some random posts, but figued it was time to start a thread for this project so I'm not littering it in other people's threads.

here's what I've got:

The rough concept, I've already made some changes, but still the general idea.

This is my Rifle, there are many others like it, but this one is mine!

Jet Pack redesigned. BigaboyFett pointed out in another thread that my sketch jet pack looked similar to McQuarrie's concept. This was unintended, so I've made some revisions, still in the early planning stages.

Though he's he collects an imperial paycheck, he's still a Mandalorian. Here's the logo:

The bucket concept. The orginal photo was of an ESB bucket i found online, author unknown. I photoshoped it for the sake of reference:

Thats it so far, I'll be posting updates, pics etc. I am as always open to suggestions and criticisms.

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you're probably right, I may extend the axl a few more inches on each side so that they wouldnt be super-heating the fuel tanks. LOL. See, THIS is why I post here! Cheers, mate! oh yeah, slam one for me too!
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I like it a lot!!! Have you thought about possibly incorporating some Vader or Stormtrooper armor into it?? Might give a flare to bridge the gap :)
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DL44 Blaster wrote:

I like it a lot!!! Have you thought about possibly incorporating some Vader or Stormtrooper armor into it?? Might give a flare to bridge the gap :)

Yes! I am going to sport some imperial officer riding boots, and a scout blaster side arm.
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shortimer52 wrote:

What you could use for a JP is the ones that the stormtroopers have on Battle Front. Or at least get a idea from there.

That's not a bad idea at all. Only problem is, I thought that game sucked so I returned it. can someone send me a screen shot of a Darktrooper jet pack from the game or otherwise?

I've been looking for a definitive pic since you posted that, shortimer, but I havent found one yet.
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The Mandalorian Imperial Mercenary has begun.

Interesting... I was actually thinking about doing the same sort of thing with my custom. I guess I'll leave it up to you. Keep me updated!
Kewl concept.. but have you thought about using stormtrooper shoulder bells and chest armor instead of Fett armour? I think that would look really cool and make it look more imperial. Also maybe Vaders Shin guards..?
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Boba Swede wrote:

Kewl concept.. but have you thought about using stormtrooper shoulder bells and chest armor instead of Fett armour? I think that would look really cool and make it look more imperial. Also maybe Vaders Shin guards..?

As I'd mentioned earlier, I'll be getting some Imperial Officer riding boots and a scout-blaster, but perhaps you're right; I might add some TK armor segments. Gloves are a good possibility, maybe thigh armor as well, but it will definately all be black.
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S U P E R C A L I F R A G I L I S T I C E C S P I A L A D O C I O U S ! ! !

Does that sound mighty atrocious ?

Naw man . . .Jokes set aside . . .

Your creative side shines through!

I have 'uh feeling this is just the beginning from you man - -

I can only imagine the many creative endeavors that are at hand.

Good Job BelaLugosi!

You impress us all ! ! !
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Bondo... James Bondo. That should be my new name after several attempts to fill in the dent and actually wind up with a smooth contour thats flush with the rest of the helmet; thats harder than it looks!

anyway, got that done. Next I made a sketch of where i wanted the new battle damage to go. The big gash going across the face is the signature; I carved it into the plastic so that after its all said in done, it will have a nice depth effect.

...It's so god-d^mned cold here, one coat of spray takes about 24 hours to dry.

More to come!

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