Custom Mandalorian Custom Helmet


Custom Paint Up​

I got a helmet from Makerbak3D and thought I’d do some airbrushing on it to get the hang of it.The nice thing is it comes ready to paint.
Started out by putting a layer of Humbrol 11 on all the parts.

Once I finished with that I section the helmet off and started with the back panels. I masked off some “damage” then went about adding no 79 and then no 117.

After it was a done drying I moved onto the dome which is again a no 79 and then no 78.

After finishing that I moved onto the checks and did another no 79 and then no 78.


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Custom Paint Up​

I got a helmet from Makerbak3D and thought I’d do some airbrushing on it to get the hang of it.The nice thing is it comes ready to paint.
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Started out by putting a layer of Humbrol 11 on all the parts.
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Once I finished with that I section the helmet off and started with the back panels. I masked off some “damage” then went about adding no 79 and then no 117.
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After it was a done drying I moved onto the dome which is again a no 79 and then no 78.
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After finishing that I moved onto the checks and did another no 79 and then no 78.
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Thats cool! I love seeing "well executed" custom mandalorian helmets, trooping myself as a custom Mando. Full pictures here:

Not really to what seems to be your standard though. I like how you started! Have you decided on the final colorscheme already?

And can you share some more details on the helmet? I.e., what "model" it is. Maybe a realisitc Clone Wars itteration? Or is it a Jango?
For the helmet I got it off of a 3D maker on Etsy. Their page is Markerbak3D they make all their parts from their 3D printers and will ship ready to paint, just printed or the files if you wanna print them for way less. They make some really good stuff so for custom Mandos I’d suggest them.

The helmet I got from them is called the“Deluxe Mandalorian Helmet Kit”.

Deluxe Mandalorian Helmet Kit Ready To Paint | Etsy

For the helmet and the armor I have a basic idea of the paint job I’d like to do to it.

For the armor one of these or a mix of both.
For the helmet I got it off of a 3D maker on Etsy. Their page is Markerbak3D they make all their parts from their 3D printers and will ship ready to paint, just printed or the files if you wanna print them for way less. They make some really good stuff so for custom Mandos I’d suggest them.

Bounty Hunter Essentials. 4-8 Week processing time. by MakerBak3d

The helmet I got from them is called the“Deluxe Mandalorian Helmet Kit”.

Deluxe Mandalorian Helmet Kit Ready To Paint | Etsy

For the helmet and the armor I have a basic idea of the paint job I’d like to do to it.
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For the armor one of these or a mix of both.
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Aaaaah, the good old Mando-Coloring "terminal"... How I have experimented with that thing in a time long since gone... With that tool I actually developed the paintjob for my custom Mando as well.

Regarding your color choice: I like it very much! It has the vibe of the early expanded universe Super Protector Mandos :)

Edit: or was it only "Protectors"? Or Super Commandos? Oh man... its been a long time...

(See here for full pic of my past project. Not as prificient as yours is looking to be.)
Thankyou guys! I have been having lots of fun painting the helmet up. I may end up selling it and using the money to fuel my fett I’ve been buying parts for and come back to this idea later, but just a thought not sure how interested people would be in a custom.
Added the damage onto the helmet. I feel I applied it on thick in some places so hopefully some steal wool can smooth it out.

Also going to add some eyes and kill stripes to the helmet. For the eyes thinking of one of these.
Added the damage onto the helmet. I feel I applied it on thick in some places so hopefully some steal wool can smooth it out.
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Also going to add some eyes and kill stripes to the helmet. For the eyes thinking of one of these.
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Hey :)
I like that you are going with the eyes :) PP1 helmet is among my favourite Boba variants. And the eyes have a cool backstorie, too! (Like almost everything except the RotJ / ESB costum changes, right jhfagan ? ;) )

In Universe they are called "jai'galaar'la sur'haii'se" in Mando'a. Or Jaig eyes for short. Means "the eyes of the shreik-hawk". Its a Mando honor mark. :)

As far as the variants here go... Don't have a favourite apart from that I don't like "ears" that much :)
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Hey :)
I like that you are going with the eyes :) PP1 helmet is among my favourite Boba variants. And the eyes have a cool backstorie, too! (Like almost everything except the RotJ / ESB costum changes, right jhfagan ? ;) )

In Universe they are called "jai'galaar'la sur'haii'se" in Mando'a. Or Jaig eyes for short. Means "the eyes of the shreik-hawk". Its a Mando honor mark. :)

As far as the variants here go... Dont have favourite apart from that I dont lik "ears" that much :)
My favorite and the ones I’m going to do are listed on the photo as Piero Bockos eyes. Going to weathering them to match with the rest of the helmet. I just need to print out these or find a stencil for it before I do!
Paint job and weathering are looking great as is dude. I also enjoyed the details you added to the ear caps. In my opinion don't listen to Ram :lol: The Jaig"ears" or the Variant 2 in the photo are the way to go. They looking menacing and more in "universe" for the Star Wars aesthetic because the eyes with the pupils seem to "Earthy" for me and, at least to me, make it seem like you are trying too hard to look "badass" when the straight "ears" give it a more menacing and angry look like downward slanted lines for angry eye brows on cartoons, anime, etc. while not distracted for the overall look of the bucket
Paint job and weathering are looking great as is dude. I also enjoyed the details you added to the ear caps. In my opinion don't listen to Ram :lol: The Jaig"ears" or the Variant 2 in the photo are the way to go. They looking menacing and more in "universe" for the Star Wars aesthetic because the eyes with the pupils seem to "Earthy" for me and, at least to me, make it seem like you are trying too hard to look "badass" when the straight "ears" give it a more menacing and angry look like downward slanted lines for angry eye brows on cartoons, anime, etc. while not distracted for the overall look of the bucket
I’ll have to print out both and see how they look before I paint one of them on. I like both but maybe I’ll do the ears cause I have been using PP1 as inspiration and I know that’s what they used in final stages of that bucket.
I’ll have to print out both and see how they look before I paint one of them on. I like both but maybe I’ll do the ears cause I have been using PP1 as inspiration and I know that’s what they used in final stages of that bucket.

Sounds like a good plan to me! Or since you are doing a custom you could always do the "pupil" shaped ones in the same place but leave out the actual pupils. That bases shape is actually pretty cool and I would be interested to see what it looks like without the inner pupils
Sounds like a good plan to me! Or since you are doing a custom you could always do the "pupil" shaped ones in the same place but leave out the actual pupils. That bases shape is actually pretty cool and I would be interested to see what it looks like without the inner pupils
That’s a good idea I didn’t even think of taking out the pupils and just leaving the shape! That will be something I’ll have to try as well
Thought I’d add an update on here! I added some killstipes to the dome and starting to stencil and tape on some of those PP1 jaig eyes.


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Looking really good , and I agree with Mythos Fenn , without the pupils that shape is really cool. Sometimes as they say a little is more, keep up the good work.
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