Under the Helmet hood

I cut the hood from an old hoodie to maintain my hair, after trooping at a con and having my hair yanked by people because it was sticking out from under my helmet :(

Jango_Fett_Jr wrote:

I cut the hood from an old hoodie to maintain my hair, after trooping at a con and having my hair yanked by people because it was sticking out from under my helmet :(

I'd say it's haircuttin' time.
A balaclava (not to be confused with baclava) :) or a painting hood from Lowes/ Home Depot would work also.

Sidenote... Do any of you guys who have trooper armor wear the Imperial cap under your helmets??
Would pantyhose work? If you cut eyeholes or something? I mean, so when you took the helmet off no one would think you'd rob the place?
You can go to Lowes and get a "painting hood" similar to a balaclava that only costs a few bucks. it's a offwhite color. You might be able to dye it. I haven't tried yet though. It looks similar to what race car drivers wear.
Ok ok I'm not afraid to admit it. I used pantyhose!
I bought a new pair and cut out one leg, pulled it over my head, and cut a face hole. Fits perfect and keeps all my hair in. It's black so its not transparent and I don't look like I'm robbing a bank ;)
Yea that's what I was talking about too. I got mine at Lowes or Home Depot, don't remeber which one.
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