Totally new but ready to get started!


Active Hunter
I've been costuming with my Stormtrooper armor for 2 years now and have decided to go the way of our most feared and respected Boba Fett.

From what I've been reading, the helmet will be the most ambitious project so that's where I'll be starting. I've decided to go with the BobaMaker helmet just based off information from here and other sites.

I'll probably be scouring for information from here quite often over the next few months so any "beginner" tips will be greatly appreciated. My goal is to be complete and in costume by DragonCon 2007 so time should hopefully be on my side.

A little back history. My only costume is my Stormtrooper which I have spent countless hours sizing and 'comforting' for wearability. I created a KidTrooper costume for my 5yr old son this past halloween for us to troop with. It was created from craft foam based off TK409's kidtrooper tutorial. He wore the Rubies helmet as it fit him very well with some minor padding added inside for placement and comfort.

Thanks for any help

A fett costume in under a year? Good luck, unless you have funds ready to start ordering right away and you'll just spend time getting everything ready.

As far as the helmet goes there are a lot of different varieties beyond maker. Do research on which suit you like best, whether it be one of the preproduction suits (which some call "the original ESB), the 1980 ESB, 1983 rotj, or the special edition suit 1997 which combines the 1980 esb helmet with the 1983 rotj suit.

The helmets all have drasticly different paint schemes.

Make sure to get a metal stalk too for the rangefinder on the helmet.

Doing a search for "helmet" or scouring the helmet forum for progress threads would probally be most beneficial for you now

I'm planning on going with an ESB version (the difference between movie and pre-production I have not fully explored yet)
As mentioned I'll start with the helmet. I'm in no rush to finish this but I do indeed plan on finishing in a year. Perhaps that is over-ambitious....we'll see over the next few months.

I think it's possible to finish a Fett costume in a year. You'll end up upgrading over a few years probably, but I think you could get it finished in a year. Good luck!

Where in GA are you located? I live Northeast of Atlanta near the SC/GA border just off I-85.

I'll be improving on costumes for a long time I'm sure....that's the fun part right!!!??!?!

Yes, you'll definitely need the reference cd. I'm in Carrollton, about 45 minutes southwest of Atlanta. Are you in the 501st? PM me.
Yeah, I ordered the reference CD last week after readin about it on TK409's site. No I'm not in the 501st (yet). I sent in a request for membership recently and have been waiting for a reply.

You must have a costume first to get into the 501st.

He has a TK so that would count, I would think.

Good luck on your adventure LiquiTed, its going to be one heck of one. There are always new bits of info popping up and tons of quality prop makers making our lives easyer and out suits better.

If you want it done by that date I suggest you get all your stuff ordered in the next month or two. Especially if you order most of the parts from BM, with over seas shipping and his busy schedule it can take him a few months to fill a big order.
He has a TK so that would count, I would think.

Good luck on your adventure LiquiTed, its going to be one heck of one. There are always new bits of info popping up and tons of quality prop makers making our lives easyer and out suits better.

If you want it done by that date I suggest you get all your stuff ordered in the next month or two. Especially if you order most of the parts from BM, with over seas shipping and his busy schedule it can take him a few months to fill a big order.

Thanks for the support!
I was thinking of ordering EVERYTHING at once and have it on-hand to work on. I'm awaiting a reply from BM about the helmet. Hopefully I'll get an idea on a time schedule for arrival.
On a side note, I've been reading alot about the Sgt Fang bucket. Is this still available? Apparently from what I've been readin it's a good guality bucket at a reasonable price but I've had no luck finding information about acquiring one. Help!


My Boba V.1 was finished in about 4 months. It took me around 14 more months to get it to where I was really happy with it, but it was decent to start.
The very best of luck to you LiquiTed, you and I are in the same boat in our rush to get ourselves fitted out. Easier for you as you have more to work with on that side of the pond so I won't engage you in a race;)
I have recently purchased Bobamakers new sculpt helmet and have been given a completion date of sometime March if I recall correctly though I have commissioned paintwork to boot so perhaps yours would be quicker if you're after just the primed helmet. Whatever you choose he is effortless to deal with and looks sweet btw. (The helmet not Daz) Hope this assists in some way.
It took me about 3 months to finish my V1 Fett, but that was a summer-Halloween thing, which the costume has gotten more serious than that. I'm up to about 15 months now with no end in site for upgrades!`
On a side note, I've been reading alot about the Sgt Fang bucket. Is this still available? Apparently from what I've been readin it's a good guality bucket at a reasonable price but I've had no luck finding information about acquiring one. Help!


(POOOOF!!!) Hey big boy, You're in the market for a helmet I hear? 8)

PM me here, or email me at :thumbsup:

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