TheDentedOne's ROTJ Fett Helmet


Well-Known Hunter
Here are the pics of your RotJ helmet. Hope you like it. I'm finishing up the scratchbuilt slimline RF Earcap right now. I'll have this baby in the mail to you on Friday. I think this is a good helmet to bow out on, so I will officially be retired from the helmet painting business once this baby is in the mail. It's been a pleasure to paint, and thanks for your patience.










What helmet is that? Is it a conversion? The cheeks look like Jango's... Thats right isn't it? Jango = square, Boba = round? Also, the sections behind the ears look lower, isn't that the way that it is on Jangos? Not 100% sure. I'm not trying to knock it or anything, I just did a Boba to Jango, and I didn't change those parts either.

In any case, awesome paint up. Too bad you're quitting, your work is fantastic. :(


lol... Looking at it again, I can't really tell... Is it just my imagination, or...?
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What helmet is that? Is it a conversion? The cheeks look like Jango's... Thats right isn't it? Jango = square, Boba = round? Also, the sections behind the ears look lower, isn't that the way that it is on Jangos? Not 100% sure. I'm not trying to knock it or anything, I just did a Boba to Jango, and I didn't change those parts either.

In any case, awesome paint up. Too bad you're quitting, your work is fantastic. :(


lol... Looking at it again, I can't really tell... Is it just my imagination, or...?

Honestly AFF$ and I could not really decide what it was either. I got this helmet a while back from a guy who said it was a "mystery". Turns out its only a mystery cause he didnt know what it was either.

I think we both decided it was a DP recast but the front visor is thinner and other things didnt add up like the width at the bottom was wider than a DP.....guess you guys can decide what it is.
I dont even have to look at the pics of the bucket to tell you guys this bucket is awesome. I know what this man can do, and hes got skills!!!!!!!
Honestly AFF$ and I could not really decide what it was either. I got this helmet a while back from a guy who said it was a "mystery". Turns out its only a mystery cause he didnt know what it was either.

I think we both decided it was a DP recast but the front visor is thinner and other things didnt add up like the width at the bottom was wider than a DP.....guess you guys can decide what it is.

I painted a helmet like that before, were the ear caps somewhat sized badly/
Just looked at the Jango ref CD... I was wrong about the section behind the ears, Jangos actually looks higher than Bobas. I guess I don't think its a Jango afterall.

Regardless, I think we should all harrass AFFO$ via PM and email until he decides to keep on painting. Too much talent to go to waste, imo. ;)

Most excellent paint job there Fettfullof$$, you always turn top notch work. I hope this helps inspire more ROTJ paintjobs. Its a great helmet style and one of my favorites IMO. :thumbsup:
i want to make an rotj helmet. but that's been my plan all along. i'm all for rotj fett, minus the screaming.
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