TDH Rebrand - In Progress!!!

WOW! Now this is cool! I love the colors, very Fett!! I cant figure out if my eyes are needing to get used to the new look or, if it's truly harder on the eyes. I am seem to have gotten used it though. Excellant work to all involved! These are exciting times for Fettsters and the new look conveys that!
In regards to the colors- give it time. Your eyes are very accustomed to the very starkness of the old colors- which was very hard on the eyes way back when when we switched to this board from the previous one which had dark themes. Just give it time and before you know it, looking at the old board will be just as hard on the eyes ;)
Great work guys, looking good! I've gotta say that I for one was against changing the Charlie's Angels logo but I guess the new one's growing on me. ;)

BTW, like a few have stated I'd love to get back into the rotating images... I'm gone! :lol:
I love the fact we are doing something NEW ! Its not like the board needed it, but definitely keeps my interest in the fact that we try to do new things as a collective.

One request though : Could we make a more *work friendly* background that's not so SWish....RPF has a great example of work friendly (not attracting too much attention from the fact you're not doing your job)

Great job again guys !!
If anyone is using Firefox and can't see the new themes, let me know because I can't get it to work on Firefox but it works on IE. I have tried clearing my cache multiple times and it doesn't work. Even uninstalled and reinstalled firefox and no difference.
If anyone is using Firefox and can't see the new themes, let me know because I can't get it to work on Firefox but it works on IE. I have tried clearing my cache multiple times and it doesn't work. Even uninstalled and reinstalled firefox and no difference.

At the moment, I'm using Windows XP/Firefox I see boba-dark and jango-dark. If there are any others that should be there, then I'm not seeing it.

I can switch between boba and jango easily enough.
Holy disappear for the weekend come back to who knows what batman!!!! Logo and banners are looking good. The red is a bit intense for me, but I'm sure it'll grow on me. Nice!
At the moment, I'm using Windows XP/Firefox I see boba-dark and jango-dark. If there are any others that should be there, then I'm not seeing it.

I can switch between boba and jango easily enough.

I'm using the same but the original default that everyone misses, well that is what comes up on mine. I can click on the themes below and they will display on that current page but as soon as I go to a new page on the forum, it goes back to the original white default theme. I don't have this problem on the RPF however.
I'm using the same but the original default that everyone misses, well that is what comes up on mine. I can click on the themes below and they will display on that current page but as soon as I go to a new page on the forum, it goes back to the original white default theme. I don't have this problem on the RPF however.

My hunch is that it's something to do with your admin access. I haven't worked with vbulletin though, so I have no facts to back that up...
I like the new look to the boards but the biggest thing that is killing my eyes right now is the red bars down the sides of the forums. just a suggestion to the ones the powers that be in charge of the web layout you could take the bars off of the sides of the boards(maybe make them black to blend in with the boards) to help a bit with the odd contrast on the eyes.
Love it :thumbsup:

great use of contrast and clean lines, love the little ode to bobas chest lights with the post reply button, nice touch.
WHEWHOO!!! You guys don't know how relieved I am to have the majority of this done! It has been completely stressing me out and I am glad most of you are liking it! In regard to the rotating images and those who are no longer in the rotation, we have had a heck of a time coming up with good backgrounds for the characters and we decided we would not put a graphic up unless we were really happy with the look. However, rest assured that I am still working on this and am also tasked with the rotation pics for the top of the forum, so I hope to get a great number of you represented. Someone asked earlier if you have to have been photographed by me to be in the rotation. The answer is no, you don't. However, I am pushing very hard to have only high end graphics as our site will be judged by them and the pics I have of people happen to be the best readily available pics we have. Also, due to the fact that I have dozens of pics of the same person, I can go through them and pick the image that I feel is best. If anyone would like to be in the rotation, you are welcome to email a pic to me. However, I may or may not use any pic submitted for any number of reasons, but if it is NOT used, please do not take it as a personal insult or negative critique to your costume in any way. The biggest reason I don't use other people's pics is usually because the pose, lighting, or quality are poor, not because of the costume itself.
Well, right now I'm looking at the site on my Mac G5 (not a new Intel based Mac) in both Safari (2.0.4) and Firefox ( I've had a lot of issues like other Mac users with Safari - but none with Firefox. So, I think you can narrow it down to Safari issues (which of course is unheard of... :lol: )

For now, I would suggest Mac users switch to Firefox while viewing TDH - hard to type without seeing your cursor! ;)
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