Superjedi's GMH as ESB for Lucksy31

Ahh, of course - I forgot you use the pastel weathering. I actually used it for the leather sections on my Boushh helmet - it really is a good method. Excellent my friend, can't wait for the new updates! :)
I hear ya, TeeVee. The ESB is my favorite of all the versions, but the GMH looks really
good in that PP2 scheme! It's a tough decision for sure.

UPDATE: January 8, 2013

Alright, now we're getting somewhere!


Painting the base coat on the mandibles requires the most comprehensive masking
of any stage of the paint job. It literally took longer to mask the helmet than it did
to airbrush on 2 coats of paint! But it's necessary.

The helmet looks pretty weird at this stage. All banged up everywhere but the red areas.
That will soon change as I begin doing the damage areas. I'll begin with the back and
work my way around. I always seem to work in the same order on my ESB paint ups.
I guess I'm a masochist, saving that crazy right mandible for last. :lol:


I'll be using the same Bright Silver and SP Lark as I begin to detail these areas. I'll also
add the darker red/purple damage. I hope to be able to get at least the keyslot
area done tomorrow.

On a side note, I need to check my camera settings. . . not sure why I'm getting that
grainy appearance. My wife's niece loves our camera and she was using it recently.
I'll have to take some time to go thru the setting menu and see if she changed anything.
UPDATE: January 11, 2013

Slowly but surely. . .

Got the keyslot area done. :) I'm using the same gray and silver as usual.
The darker color is PRR Maroon.


Here's a close-up.


You may be able to see in the above pics that I've transferred the stencils onto the
center area of the "hatband" above the keyslots. That's where I'll start this weekend.
This part of the helmet and the vertical parts behind the ears are relatively small sections,
but there's a lot of detail crammed in! I'll post more progress over the weekend.
Simply... awesome! You are like a paint-machine or a paint-god, maybe a paint-guru? No, no! You are a paint-yogi or a paint-fakir!
:lol: You guys are killin' me.

UPDATE: January 12, 2013

Moving along the band now. I've got the central section done. This is actually
one of the more detail dense areas.


I also got the rest of the rear right area done, including the vertical part
behind the ear.


Next up will be the left rear portion. After that, it's on to the mandibles!
UPDATE: January 13, 2013

More hatband work. :) I now have everything on the back half of the helmet complete.
The thumbprint details will be done after the final weathering and clear coat. So
this area will change slightly in appearance.


It was my goal to get this far over the weekend, so I'm right on track. During the week
I'll begin working on the areas in front of the ears: the band above the visor cutout, and
then on to the mandibles!
UPDATE: January 17, 2013

This series of pics shows progress from the last 2 or 3 days. My time is much more
limited during the week, so I tend to do smaller areas.

Working around the band above the visor cutout. I began on the left corner:


Continued moving through the center area:


Finally, finished on the right side.


Next, I'll begin working on the main mandible areas. :) After that, it's on to the final weathering
phases, which will consist of some light pastel application, the tan spatter, then clearcoat, thumbprints
and the grease stains. :thumbsup:

Gav has shipped the metal ears, so hopefully they'll get here within the next few days. Woo hoo!
Movie quote time:

"........ it's difficult for me... to... express myself... when I am on the verge of... exploding ......":lol:
I'm in that point in which superjedi will surprise me only if he will do an average paint job... I will never see that day!

I already said it, but I love your professional way of painting and each new post of you is funny, refreshing and informative. Thanks for doing this for us!
I enjoy doing progress threads. To me it's part of the process, where I can sit
back and get an overview of the helmet as it comes along. I've seen things in
my own pictures that made me go back and make some tweaks here and there.

UPDATE: January 19, 2013

Mandible-ness! :) The mandibles are a key part of the helmet. These are
the areas that frame Fett's "face" and just like when you look at a person, it's
one of the first areas that draw the eye when looking at someone in costume.


I take a lot of care with the sizes/shapes/proportions of the damage
on the mandibles. The left side has very specific patterns (just like the rest
of the helmet), but not nearly as complex as the right mandible.


There are still a couple of final details that aren't on there yet. Such as the
little tan "drips" and the small brighter red chips. But those will come once I
go back and do my final sweep before the clear coat.
Also keep in mind that this is the screen-used version of the helmet. There's
some extra damage that is seen on the exhibit photos that wasn't present
during filming, so I'm not adding it to Scott's helmet.

Getting pretty close now!
UPDATE: January 20, 2013

Whew. . . right mandible is done!


I did this area in several sittings to save my eyeballs from melting. :lol:
This was done with the same color palette used on the rest of the red areas: SP Lark Dk Gray,
Bright Silver, and PRR Maroon.


A couple of other details on the above photo. I added the contrasting pale gray color on some of the silver, and
I did the upper ear base with Polly Scale Earth. Finally, I did that dark greasy stain over the RF ear with Tarnished Black.

This means that all the "basic" painting is complete! I'm still waiting for the aluminum ears, and I won't do
the tan spatter until the ears are in place. Next up is some pastel application on the lower cheeks and the
area around the dent, and just a touch on the right rear panel.
Once the pastels are done I'll give the entire helmet a coat of Krylon clear matte finish to seal everything.
The final steps will be the tan spatter (once the ears are done), the thumbprints, and the brownish
grease stains on the rear half of the helmet. So close now! :thumbsup:
Thanks, Garrett. I find this to be one of the greatest advantages of a topical paint job.
Whenever I use masking fluid on the rear panels, I always find that I need to do minor
touch-ups after removing the mask. Maybe I just don't have the right tools, but I can
never seem to get all the intricate shapes exactly right when using a layered technique.

I mentioned in another thread that when I delivered Shabad's PP2, I got to see one of
your ESB helmets up close. You certainly seem to have conquered the layered method!
That thing is just amazing.

(Minor update: The pastels and clear coat have been applied to the helmet. :))
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