Starship Troopers!!!

Saw you guys at Mega- very impressive in a group like that!

I put together my own set several years ago after a movie-industry friend of mine gave me a set of armor. Yea, the armor was free, but it only made me spend a bunch of cast to get the other items!

The only part of the suit I never got was pants or a jacket. Back then Reelcloths didn't have any more available, but now it looks like they have enough for me to complete my set. Is this the best way to go or is there a cheaper alternative at least for the pants?

Honestly, Reelclothes is probably the best way to go unless you have a friend that has a set and is willing to sell them. Would be great to get you in with us Mark.
Mirax H said:
Honestly, Reelclothes is probably the best way to go unless you have a friend that has a set and is willing to sell them. Would be great to get you in with us Mark.

Yea- I guess you just can't beat the real thing. I suppose I could just go with the pants and black T shirt thing, that way I wouldn't have to do the tunic and neck ring thing. It all depends on when I have the extra cash (hopefully there will be some left by then at Reelclothes).

I've never seen SST, but this costume looks great. Only problem is, I really don't have the money to buy one. So if I make one, it'll be interesting... to say the least.
Bradleyfett said:
Saw you guys at Mega- very impressive in a group like that!

:eek: :facepalm :( :angry

I wanna kick yer butt! Why didn't you come talk to us?!? Would have been REALLY cool to finally meet you!!!! Oh well, maybe next year... or you could always come up to D*C!!!
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that's what I was saying ! I heard Mark Bradley was around but by the time I wanted to go meet him, he had left.

Anyhow, anyone wanting a trooper outfit, hold on to your socks, I am talking to Reelclothes right now to see if they could discount a LOT purchase of the gear.
Sorry guys and gals- next time I guess I should wear a name tag. I was hanging out at the 501st booth and helping out with the 501st Prop simenar on Saturday and SW costume contest on Sunday. I had to cut out pretty early Sunday. There's never enough time to see everyone. Hopefully next time I'll be wearing a costume too.

Hey, if you can get a group discount from Reelclothes, count me in for a pair of XL MI pants at least (maybe a tunic if the price is good enough)! I'll find the $$ somewhere!

Got Maul said:
that's what I was saying ! I heard Mark Bradley was around but by the time I wanted to go meet him, he had left.

Anyhow, anyone wanting a trooper outfit, hold on to your socks, I am talking to Reelclothes right now to see if they could discount a LOT purchase of the gear.

Ohhhhhhh.... Hee hee hee. I will have to stop myself from buying anything more.... I JUST will have my suit paid off this Friday... Grrrr..... Did someone say MEDIC??? :lol:
Hey, which one of you had the backpack piece? Was that a Medic?- I can't remember my SST armor as well as a few years ago. I'd love to see pics of that piece!

Got Maul said:
Anyhow, anyone wanting a trooper outfit, hold on to your socks, I am talking to Reelclothes right now to see if they could discount a LOT purchase of the gear.

Count me in! Drop me a line if you have any info.

By the way, I was wondering about the backpack too. What is it? A medic SST suit?

That would be me. No, it is the ammo pack. The medic has a soft backpack. And that thing is so darn heavy you wouldn't believe. For some reason they took a nice light fiberglass pack and filled it SOLID with resin!!! It is not very ergonomic either and the shoulder pieces really CUT into the shoulders... but man it looks AWESOME!!!

Please forgive the butt shots...



Wow, you all look great! I am in the process of slowly collecting all the pieces for a medic trooper, but that soft backpack is a pain to find, along with a helmet decal. Surely you all could use a medic in the bunch? :) But then you could all be good shots and not need me :p

I'm actually jealous of you! Why I’ve been condemned to live on the wrong side of the Atlantic? :eek: :thumbsup:
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fett2be said:
Wow, you all look great! I am in the process of slowly collecting all the pieces for a medic trooper, but that soft backpack is a pain to find, along with a helmet decal. Surely you all could use a medic in the bunch? :) But then you could all be good shots and not need me :p


Do you mean this?

I am sure we can get one of our members to print you up a vinyl sticker for your helmet.

In regard to the pack... my understanding is that the STRAPS come from this pack: A-III MEDICAL PACK (A-III-MP) while the body comes from this pack: EAGLE LOAD BEARING PACK-USA

Now that is too cool. :)

I've gotten the "B" helmet and boots, and the tunic and pants. There is an A or B vest for the medic, one textured "hero" or the nylon B. Any suggestion on which one?

Thanks, Braks, for the links to the packs and the symbol decal. I would appreciate one; and the pic works great on my embroidery machine :) At least a medic doesn't have to wear as much "stuff".

Nancy at reelclothes is a wonderful person; she's from my hometown
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