Starship Troopers!!!

:lol: :lol: Jose and Brak's you guys are cracking me up!!!

The suits you see are "A" suits and the Morita and Carbine are both rubber. However, I will have a totally awesome fiberglass carbine by Dragon con :D
Mirax H said:
My pants were actually worn by Dina Meyer "Dizzy".

There are too many ways that this thread could go wrong. I leave it to everyone to come up with their own punchline for this one. :lol:
Jedi-Bob said:
You folks getting tired of the Fett?:(

Not at all! This is just a nice diversion, as was the sandtrooper and the... oh wait... I am not supposed to talk about that project yet... ;)
starship troopers = nice little DONE package
Fett = ongoing, never ending project.

as braks said, its our fun costume...a nice lil diversion
Brak's Buddy said:
$1350 (or $1750 for an A grade suit) and you too can own one!!!

Just go here.

You want to talk to "Nancy." She is pretty darn cool.

There have been a few on eBay recently but be warned, most of these are SST2 and lack some of the original SST parts! Make sure you ask BEFORE bidding!


Time to start saving. I would LOVE to get the complete A grade suit for $1750.

We would love to have a few more to "Troop" with at Dragon Con! And yeah, considering it has taken me over 3 years and Jango is still in upgrades and not wearable and it took me less than 6 months to complete my SST gear, it makes it a nice little distraction. Plus, I just loved the movie and loved the suits and having something that was screen used, vs screen accurate- man, you can't beat it!!!
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I watched ST on cable last night! How is it that a big bug can pierce you right through the left chest, and you can still cut off the brain bug's suction spike, fight off a ton of other bugs and end the film in NO pain? :lol: (Denice Richards reference)

Again, nice suits guys. Would love to have one!
Mirax H said:
We would love to have a few more to "Troop" with at Dragon Con! And yeah, considering it has taken me over 3 years and Jango is still in upgrades and not wearable and it took me less than 6 months to complete my SST gear, it makes it a nice little distraction. Plus, I just loved the movie and loved the suits and having something that was screen used, vs screen accurate- man, you can't beat it!!!

Yeah, I have an ESB Boba that needs alot of work to be close to screen accurate. That's why I'm doing a custom mandalore, I don't have the pressure of being screen accurate. And with my Custom being almost complete I need another distraction to focus on. :)

Starship Trooper, here I come :thumbsup:

David, Might I recommend you consider a "B" grade suit. It is $400 cheaper, there really isn't THAt much difference (I can list the differences if you would like) and honestly, the "A" grade stuff has been picked over. To sum it up, both "A" and "B" came fromt he same molds... They were just finished a bit differently and you can actually make a "B" into an "A" with very very little effort.
and having seen reelclothes last of the A armor pieces, what they do have there is in a word, crud. Their B armor though is in REALLY good shape and like art says, the only reel difference between B and A armor is a lil padding and cut riblets.
B it is then.

Although I didn't notice a complete B set in the list. Maybe I just over looked it. Or will I have to get it by piece?

Brak's, could you post or possibly PM me on how to go about making the B armor into an A? Thanks!!

Basically there are three major differences: helmet, neckseal and ab plate. The A helmets have small vented grommets in the ears (which I have a source for) where as the B helmets do not. You simply drill a hole in the ear and add the grommet. No biggie. The ab plates have filled in slots molded into them. On the A abplates these slots were dremelled out. On the B they are not. Couple of mins with a dremel and you will be done. As far as the neck seal, the A neck seal has an additional piece of cloth at the top to make the seal a bit more comfortable. You could try to do this yourself but I would just ask Nancy about ordering a B suit ($1350 and they are listed at the site) and ask what it would cost to upgrade the neck seal. That is pretty much it.
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