Show your Marrow_Sun buckets!


Active Hunter
Have got one in the works and would like to see some more pics if anyone is willing to share!:) Finished bucket pics preffered ,but any stage will do!
Well, I have my Marrow_Sun bucket since a couple of months now and I promised some time ago, to post pics here.

I didn’t …

… not because I don’t keep promises but because I haven’t finished the paint job yet and everything became harder than expected.

This summer I shot a series of photographs which I wanted to send to Damian here, but by seeing the result, I’m happy that my e-mail bounces back to me.

My work is far from what I saw in this forum. I would like to restart that paint job and that will take time.
Me too, I got my M_S bucket a few weeks ago, and have already stripped 2 paintjobs because I ruin the whole thing with one little mistake. Me and the bucket have a love-hate relationship now. On more than one occasion I've found myself sitting on the couch watching TV, with the bucket on the other couch, just staring at me. Every now and then I'll look at it, get mad, and then turn back to the TV.

BTW, the M_S is a great helmet.
Here is my M_S bucket. I'm doing a custom.



Marrow's buckets rock.
Nice work C*E*N*O*B*Y*T*E!

What do you have used for the inside? Foam or a hard hat liner? I tried to install a hard hat liner, but the one I found was to small to fit the inside, also I wasn't able to find good looking thick foam.
that looks great. I dunno about anyone else, but I used memory foam, shaped and cut it and dipped it in that latex plasticoat stuff ~my dad had it laying around~ then got double sided tape ~dad agian~ and stuck it up inside the helmet.
For padding on the inside, I used 3/4" weather stripping. It works really well. I also have a voice changer and a fan in there. Here's a pic:

T-Visor wrote:

Nice work C*E*N*O*B*Y*T*E!

What do you have used for the inside? Foam or a hard hat liner? I tried to install a hard hat liner, but the one I found was to small to fit the inside, also I wasn't able to find good looking thick foam.
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