Hey Everybody,
WhiteCommando here. TDH – This forum – is where I learned about costume accuracy as an art. I made a McQuarrie-styled white trooper, and was approved in the 501st in 2005 as a BH (which is surprising since it was an Albino Fett basically). Concurrently, in early 2005, I was asked to be a moderator on clonetroopers.net. Then in late 2005, me and a friend made a clone web site... to supplement the 501st Detachment. My friend's ID was/is Javamonkey.
He made cool helmets, I made some tutorials, and it was just a small web-site.
Then, the creator of the 501st First Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment (FISD), Daetrin, asked me... "Hey, why don't you make Clone-Empire a Forum?" This was November of 2006.
I agreed.
As owner, I had the foresight to not proclaim myself leader of my own forum. But I went along with Daetrin's proposal – I believed it sounded like a cool idea. I asked the MEPD Detachment Leader, TD-1536 to be Forum Leader on this new, privately-owned Forum. He agreed, and wrote a Code of Conduct that is easy to understand, and easy to enforce. Daetrin is 2nd (or also known as "Number Two"). We built the forum over 2-3 weeks, and it became pretty active, starting in December 2006.
It now has almost 1,000 members, and runs pretty smooth and is in the early part of its 3rd year. We have suspended 3 people and banned 2 people since it opened. That is pretty good since we do not have heavy banning there.
Moving onto another Clone-Forum, or Section for Clones on this Fett-based forum, I believe that even though TDH is not under 501st control (same as Clone-Empire), it could be a good idea to discuss it with the 501st, as well as Rebel Legion.
Why? Currently, if you were to ask the Legion CO of the 501st about Clones, designations, CRLs (still a WIP and the list of troop designs is growing weekly due to the TV show), and the Approval of TC designations by GMLs (which, for a time, Garrison GMLs were stripped of approving any clones AND Legion had to approve suits... one at a time), the clone costume is a sticky situation... and the fact that there are already the following venues...
1. CT.net
2. The Fan-Made Prop Forum
3. Clone-Empire
4. The 327th
5. The Rebel Legion (And their soon to be active Phase One Sub-Detachment)
Adding a 6th Clone Forum here may be fun. And we can agree that it should be about fun... but with 2 Officially Recognized Forums – CT.net and Rebel Legion trying to figure out who, as TC costumers, have all they need to get approved, plus using Clone-Empire as a resource (as well as TFMPF and 327th) for gear... "may" complicate, versus compliment the 5 forums already helping guys suit up in clone armor.
AND, I offer an analogy, it would be similar to adding a Boba Fett/Jango Fett section to Clone-Empire. AND, saying we are going to make the best Boba Fett suits available on the internet. What makes both TDH and C-E great is the freedom from the 501st, while retaining a respect for 501st Charter. C-E is independent of the 501st, but support the goals of the 501st by trying to raise the bar. Same for TDH... the Official 501st Boba Fett Forum exists, but people come here for all things Fett.
Lastly, if there is a Clone segment here, I can provide some great resources to this forum, to help do what? Grow the clone population, which has been at the 375-450 member count on the 501st for 3 years. Since it seems for every clone costume made, we lose one.
I hope my POV is helpful.
Best to you all!
Founder of