SEND IN THE CLONES - TDH Opens a Clone Trooper Forum!

you know its much easier just to skip all those forums that you dont wanna read, by just checkin the new posts icon on the left of each forum. Then when you click on it, the topics with new posts are bold highlight. Then if it is a topic you are interested in, you can see the new posts, that way you dont have to read like 100 new posts that you dont wanna read.

For reals?
i had no idea
thank you
this is a really interesting conversation. good points all around.

speaking from personal perspective alone.

i've darned near played out boba at this point. yeah, i've said it.

i'm working on my 9th rotj helmet for myself. 9. there's really only so many times i can do another one, making that last scratch just 1mm longer than the last helmet.

yeah, it was really cool when the mitchell sweep arm discovery came out. but really, that just yielded me spending $40 on a new metal bit that's about 10% larger than its predecessor. that bit will be on my back, where very very few people will ever see it.

so there are tons of new discoveries, but they really aren't shaking the earth for me.

following that through, if this board sticks to JUST boba... i guess i'm not long for the board.

expand that out on the assumption that no-one is unique. someone, somewhere, right now is saying "you know, i think i'm basically done with my boba project".

then there are the clones. they are as much "mando" as they are stormtrooper, based on books, the cartoon, movies, etc...

so there's at least some connection there.

as for no discoveries... no, not really, since there aren't found items.

instead you get people working on all sorts of new projects. oscs has a couple new helmets and new armor in the works. sci-fire g2 has their helmets and armor. i'm already working on v2 of my animated helmet, and have the arms at least done on my animated sculpt, and have the pistols and holsters in the works.

so not just build threads, but all sorts of cool projects going on.

every week new characters come out.

even on things that have been around for a while, evo3 on has been doing an amazing cody build, picking up on details never before addressed.

so there's a lot of "action" in the clone "scene" these days.

given a choice between, C-E, and here... i'll pick here every time.

and come on... the whole reason i did rex vs. another clone was the pre-pro fett eyes,. again tonight i got called boba fett by an adult star wars fan... and he was immediately corrected by the kids saying "who's boba fett? that's CAPTAIN REX!!!"
In all of my years here, I've always been a "New Posts" or what used to be "Latest Posts" kind of guy - it's a great brief overview of what's going on since your last visit :thumbsup:

A Clone Forum? I'm all for TDH growing, without growth there is only stagnation. I'm just not so sure that a Clone Forum is the way to go though :confused
I'm certainly not going to get all dark and gloomy about it, but from what I've seen - Clone communities seem to have not only the most politics and arguments, but generally attract some of the shadiest characters. And I'm not talking about Star Wars characters either :lol: Don't get me wrong, there's a lot fof GOOD people out there that are big into clones. But historically, not as many people are attracted to Fett as they are troopers in general because of the 501st. Anything "trooper", attracts the masses. If TDH is looking to grow by statistics alone it's a sure fire bet it will happen if you invite this :thumbsup: But it may get interesting real quick.

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I agree FP. In the past I have spoken with the admins here about growth. I am all for it, as they well know. I also agree, however, that Clones is probably not the best way to do it.

Wow. Well, we had 10,000 posts last month that say we aren't going down the tubes and in fact our stats say that we are doing the exact opposite, we are growing.

Mirax already said that the board has growth, so the move is unnecessary if that is the reason for adding clones. If growth or stagnation is the only issue then why not add costume sections for all SW characters? The Vader boards that I frequent are still coming up with new discoveries. How about stormtrooper and sandtrooper sections?

When I spoke to the mods about this in the past my input was to support all BH characters and then get the word out about the board. A Google search on "Boba Fett" lists TDH near the bottom of the second results page, several links lower than a site that about a Hello Kitty Boba Fett Tattoo (it's pretty cool actually). Searching on "Boba Fett Costume" is even worse. Skaines and TK409 shows up on the first page, but TDH falls on the middle of page three. So, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) would certainly help get more people here.

Anyway, this is all moot. This is an announcement thread, not a discussion really. As pointed out earlier, the board has an owner and it is not a democracy. Whether I agree or not I will continue to enjoy the board and the friends I have here. I promise that I will sit down and shut up now... :)
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- Clone communities seem to have not only the most politics and arguments, but generally attract some of the shadiest characters.

Do you have anything to back this up? Im a mod over on CTN and we havent had any issues to speak of over the past year. Prior to that, we didnt have any issues that arent common for other forums to have, including this one.

Its ok to have an opinion on the new forum but i dont think comments like the one you made above are very fair or productive. I for one, think its great. I love clones and have been working my way to getting all the parts needed to start on my Fett build. Its good to know that theres a place i can come and have the best of both worlds.
When I was first told of this section I was surprised, but thought it made sense because of the Boba, Jango and Clones tie in, and I didn't give it much thought. And if you think about it, eventually the Star Wars Live Action Series will have some connection, as I'm sure it will show Boba and the Clones in some form of I think eventually that connection is we like it or not.

BUT, after reading all the posts, good and bad, I think I too am against this change...I don't mean to be nagative, I want to support TDH in anyway that I can, I think my record shows that I do.....But like Bubba Fett said (New Coke theory), if we already have a record increase in membership and posts based on our current format, then why add addtional sections??:confused..Besides I'm sure the majority of our spike in popularity has come from the Boba and Jango section anyway. So our foundation is what makes TDH. Boba.:thumbsup:

I think every other reason I've thought of For or Against has already been mentioned.:thumbsup:

What I will say is, do as I do folks............No offense to the other sections but I have Never been in the Custom Mando section, okay maybe once. But I can say with 100% certainty that I've never clicked on the Zam section :facepalm...again no offense...point being If you don't like it, don't click on it.:D
Anyway, this is all moot. This is an announcement thread, not a discussion really. As pointed out earlier, the board has an owner and it is not a democracy. Whether I agree or not I will continue to enjoy the board and the friends I have here. I promise that I will sit down and shut up now... :)

Bubba Fett, I have to completely disagree with this paragraph. We welcome these thoughts and comments as it helps us have a finger on the pulse of the community. While TDH is not a democracy, it doesn't mean the comments of our members fall on deaf ears. We appreciate all the comments made in this thread, whether postive or negative. At the end of the day, we, the administration, exist to serve the community. We hope we are doing so with move. Time will tell. Regardless, we do appreciate your comments and concerns.
I am neither completely for nor totally against the expansion into the Clone Trooper realm, I am currently and have in the past, documented my work on Clone projects. I think what is happening here is the board is trying to simply cater to all aspects and broaden its range, it may help attract new members who are initially after making a Boba/Jango/Zam if they also see that they can share their Clone projects as well so why not? As Alex said if you don't want to read it then don't click on it. I admit that I am not at all into EU custom mandos or any of that but they are part of TDH community as much as the Bobas/Jangos :thumbsup:

my 2 cents
Oh, and Art...Maybe if the clones attack Buenos Aires, we could form another Sub Forum....


"would you like to know more?"

After the controversy the addition of clones has made, I can't imagine what would happen if the powers that be tried to add a Starship Troopers forum! Just trying to envision the justification for THAT one! :lol:lol:
All I know is I am done with this board if I don't get my H.R. Pufnstuf forum.

BTW Kristen. Apologies for my earlier statement. I know that you listen to the members regarding many things, but this was a done deal when the thread was started. The thread was to announce, not ask about, a clone section. That's all I meant.

Oops, I said I was going to be quiet.
Hey Everybody,

WhiteCommando here. TDH – This forum – is where I learned about costume accuracy as an art. I made a McQuarrie-styled white trooper, and was approved in the 501st in 2005 as a BH (which is surprising since it was an Albino Fett basically). Concurrently, in early 2005, I was asked to be a moderator on Then in late 2005, me and a friend made a clone web site... to supplement the 501st Detachment. My friend's ID was/is Javamonkey.

He made cool helmets, I made some tutorials, and it was just a small web-site.

Then, the creator of the 501st First Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment (FISD), Daetrin, asked me... "Hey, why don't you make Clone-Empire a Forum?" This was November of 2006.

I agreed.

As owner, I had the foresight to not proclaim myself leader of my own forum. But I went along with Daetrin's proposal – I believed it sounded like a cool idea. I asked the MEPD Detachment Leader, TD-1536 to be Forum Leader on this new, privately-owned Forum. He agreed, and wrote a Code of Conduct that is easy to understand, and easy to enforce. Daetrin is 2nd (or also known as "Number Two"). We built the forum over 2-3 weeks, and it became pretty active, starting in December 2006.

It now has almost 1,000 members, and runs pretty smooth and is in the early part of its 3rd year. We have suspended 3 people and banned 2 people since it opened. That is pretty good since we do not have heavy banning there.

Moving onto another Clone-Forum, or Section for Clones on this Fett-based forum, I believe that even though TDH is not under 501st control (same as Clone-Empire), it could be a good idea to discuss it with the 501st, as well as Rebel Legion.

Why? Currently, if you were to ask the Legion CO of the 501st about Clones, designations, CRLs (still a WIP and the list of troop designs is growing weekly due to the TV show), and the Approval of TC designations by GMLs (which, for a time, Garrison GMLs were stripped of approving any clones AND Legion had to approve suits... one at a time), the clone costume is a sticky situation... and the fact that there are already the following venues...

2. The Fan-Made Prop Forum
3. Clone-Empire
4. The 327th
5. The Rebel Legion (And their soon to be active Phase One Sub-Detachment)

Adding a 6th Clone Forum here may be fun. And we can agree that it should be about fun... but with 2 Officially Recognized Forums – and Rebel Legion trying to figure out who, as TC costumers, have all they need to get approved, plus using Clone-Empire as a resource (as well as TFMPF and 327th) for gear... "may" complicate, versus compliment the 5 forums already helping guys suit up in clone armor.

AND, I offer an analogy, it would be similar to adding a Boba Fett/Jango Fett section to Clone-Empire. AND, saying we are going to make the best Boba Fett suits available on the internet. What makes both TDH and C-E great is the freedom from the 501st, while retaining a respect for 501st Charter. C-E is independent of the 501st, but support the goals of the 501st by trying to raise the bar. Same for TDH... the Official 501st Boba Fett Forum exists, but people come here for all things Fett.

Lastly, if there is a Clone segment here, I can provide some great resources to this forum, to help do what? Grow the clone population, which has been at the 375-450 member count on the 501st for 3 years. Since it seems for every clone costume made, we lose one.

I hope my POV is helpful.

Best to you all!

Founder of
as it is moderated and administred professionally, maintaining a family safe environment that has not in my opinion, been effectively replicated anywhere else since I dove into this hobby almost 4 years ago.

As a founding member and moderator on C-E I have to disagree that there is not a family safe environment there and that it C-E is not moderated and administered professionally. I try to keep my ego in check, but in this case, I can't help but feel like I've just been slapped in the face.
After reading all of this, I can honestly say, who cares? If the admins want to expand, let them do it. It's not going to hurt this forum in any way shape or form. I don't think it's going to really hurt other forums either. It's great that we added a clone section, but if I really want to know more about them, I'll goto CTN.

I also agree with the, "if you don't want to read it, don't click on it." that simple. Let the Boba people stay with the boba section, let the zam stay with the zams (are there even any?) Let the clones stay with there section.

I've only recently gotten into the whole costuming crowd, and have been on this forum for a couple months. One thing I've noticed is that everyone here really close. Something like this should cause so much controversy.
I believe that even though TDH is not under 501st control (same as Clone-Empire), it could be a good idea to discuss it with the 501st, as well as Rebel Legion.


We have numerous members and even most of our admin team who are also members of the 501st. However, we have approached the 501st several times in the past in an effort to see what we might be able to do for them and they have made it pretty clear that they have little interest in working with us in an official capacity, and since the clones are just a single forum at this point and we do not even know if it will take off, we have no plans to approach the 501st in regard to it. In addition, our goal is not to help members make their clones 501st-ready, but to help them make the very best and most accurate clones possible. Hopefully, in doing so, we will not only meet but exceed any requirements set by the 501st. Not to sound nasty, but we have no interest in being mired in the sticky bureaucracy involved in such thing as ever-changing 501st CRLs. We leave such matters to the 501st and will simply chug along with whatever clones our members want to make, 501st approved or not.

Adding a 6th Clone Forum here may be fun. And we can agree that it should be about fun... but with 2 Officially Recognized Forums – and Rebel Legion trying to figure out who, as TC costumers, have all they need to get approved, plus using Clone-Empire as a resource (as well as TFMPF and 327th) for gear... "may" complicate, versus compliment the 5 forums already helping guys suit up in clone armor.

Again, our purpose is not to fascilitate members becoming 501st ready. We are not making an effort to become officially recognized by the 501st. We are simply providing an alternative resource to members who already like TDH's approach to costuming. We have no intention of TDH becoming "clone-central" although we have plans for a sister site if it were to take off.

AND, I offer an analogy, it would be similar to adding a Boba Fett/Jango Fett section to Clone-Empire. AND, saying we are going to make the best Boba Fett suits available on the internet. What makes both TDH and C-E great is the freedom from the 501st, while retaining a respect for 501st Charter. C-E is independent of the 501st, but support the goals of the 501st by trying to raise the bar. Same for TDH... the Official 501st Boba Fett Forum exists, but people come here for all things Fett.

I am not following your analogy as we are not in competition with C-E or the 501st. We are not marketing ourselves as the only place to go for clones or as a better place than C-E, only as an alternative. If C-E chose to take Fett on, we would wish them the best of luck.

Lastly, if there is a Clone segment here, I can provide some great resources to this forum, to help do what? Grow the clone population, which has been at the 375-450 member count on the 501st for 3 years. Since it seems for every clone costume made, we lose one.

Now this sounds more encouraging! We look forward to your contributions and hope in some way, we can help the clone community grow! If that means a larger clone population, then all the better.
I realize my opinion may not be worth much, but I think the additon of Clones is a great idea from a building perspective.

There are ALOT of talented and innovative builders among our Cloners, building and painting tips, techniques, new scratch building ideas.
Alot of these methods can be carried over to Fett and Mando builds. Plus, we have a larger group of people to help find "found parts".
There has been a new approcah using 3d renderings to make uber accurate Fett armor for example. These are all good things, alot of the artists involved in clone builds can offer any community great insite and help. As a hobby, all the "hands on work" is the same wether you are building a clone or Mando.

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Mike, I am 110% with you. I can't help but think every single person that joins TDH might be the next person to make a major Fett discovery. I will never forget our little south american friend who talked about everything but fett... and then one day... bam... he drops a bomb on us and we now have the cheek detail thanks to him! You just never know where the next discovery will come from! Not to mention, as you said, all the incredible talent that can do clones just as easily as fett or fett just as easily as clones!
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