scratch built boba fett boots!!

boba fan

New Hunter
so i went to walmart of all places looking for some king of boba fett esq boots and low and behold i found a pair for just $20 i found a pair that is quite similar. they are a pair of black leather or pleather not sure "faded glory" boots and here is what i've done to them so far. keep in mind these were all black. i used gery primer, flat white, and blue painters tape thats it. not bad just need the toe spikes.

Yeah, I have been tempted to take the little patches off the sides (already took the ones off the elastic) but I am afraid they will fall apart if I do 8-o
Anyway, looking good - I will get mine done this weekend, thanks for the inspiration!
i'm not sure if they have them for little kids. as far as the brand name they are faded glory. i took the little leathery patches off with a stitch remover. took about 5 minutes per boot, but there is an adhesive under it that im trying to figure out how to get off the best way. thanks for the compliments guys!!
just to let everyone know (if your interested) that the white substance on the left boot is a form of glue that was under a piece of pleather that i removed. i am working on finding the best method for removal. thanks for the comps guys.
well folks they are done . i made the toe spikes out of a bar of aluminum from the "big orange" a few ball point pen caps, spraypaint, and superglue. tell me what u think.

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