Rubies Helmet Review

Yeah. I was talking about addind a flare. The pictures seemed to look longer or taller. But now that I've actually took a good look at it, I don't think I'll need to do that. Has anyone tried just adding the Rub N Buff without repainting it? Seems to me that the color is pretty close to the armor color I've done some test painting with. It's just that It doesn't have any shine or gloss to it.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. This might sound like a dumb question but how do you take out the rangefinder from the Rubies helmet? I'm just afraid that I might break it. Is there a trick or some good pointers?

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JFC, I asked the same rub n buff question a few weeks ago. Some said give it a shot and I think it was seeker who said he put r&b on his knee armor and it never fully dried. The store that has r&b by my house has been sold out for 2 weeks so I have yet to try it.
I like the rangefinder question, I was curious about it myself. Does anyone know?
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The R&B on my knee pieces worked well. I'm actually considering doing my whole armor with rub and buff. while at dragon con the paint hardly came off. And the armor was worned for 12 hours straight.
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Seeker, I am also thinking about rub and buffing my helmet":)". Do you think clear coting it after would stop it from rubbing off?
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Don't worry about it rubbing off. The spray paint on my thigh pieces would always wear off like crazy from my holster straps. Not that I have it RNB'd, it doesn't come off anymore!
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I got my Rubies Jango helmet today, and it isn't as bad as I was expecting. But it would take alot of work to make it look good. Luckily, I have gotten my hands on a much better helmet that is currently being "Jangofied".

I may sacrifice my Rubies one to the mod gods just to see what they can do with it. If you are of a smaller build, the helmet would probably work okay.
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So, does anyone know how to dismantle the rangefinder yet.
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Yeah.. anyone try taking the range finder apart? Another pointer that some might be interested in. I sprayed some Rustoleum Clear coat enamel spray on the silver part of one of the cheeks and it looks pretty good. It actually looks like a shiny silver. I think I'm going to do that for the whole silver part. I've bought some Rustoleum blues for the rest. They are "Painter's Touch". Has anyone tried these paints yet? I did a little part of the back of the helmet to test and it just seemed to bead up. I guess I should have sanded and primed it 1st, duh. But I wanted to test it 1st just for $hits and giggles. Has anyone worked with this paint before? Cuz I read in their site that they are "oil based paints". Any other suggestions? I might try again after the sanding and prime it. But I did read that some people were using "brilliant blue" and "deep blue" by Rustoleum. These are the colors I have bought and was wondering if they were the same "Painter's Touch" that everyone else has been using.

Keep the Rubies tips comming guys.


P.S. I think I'll use the clear coat on my whole armor as well. I don't think I'll be using the Ru N Buff on my Rustoleum silver since it's been rubbing off on a test piece I did over a month ago. That and it leaves lots of finger prints on it when pressed somewhat firmly.
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Yep, I used Painter's touch for one of my blues. Painter's Touch brilliant blue for the light, and Krylon regal blue gloss for the dark.
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Does anyone have a pic of ojne of the Rubies helmets on their head? Id like to see the size.
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Seems that you and I are about the same size. I'm 5'3". Even though this helmet is not 100% what I want, I think I'll still get one, just so I can complete my costume in time for Halloween (after a little rework). For all of those that ordered one and were upset when it looked NOTHING like the pictures on the web site, have you considered getting together and getting a lawyer to sue them for false advertising? It might finally wake Rubies up to the fact that they produce CRAPPY costume accessories. This seems to me like a fairly clear cut case of "bait and switch", showing a picture of a fantastic looking helmet, calling it a collectors edition, and shipping something that looks this bad.
Instead of R/B has anyone tried Rust-Oleum Clear Coat Laquer...It is really glossy and creates a shell. It is almost like fiberglassing the helmet. Paint the helmet how you want it, I used Rust-Oleum Silver, Painters touch Royal blue for the light part and Wildflower for the dark. After you paint it and it has dried put on the clear coat laquer....Your paint will never come off or dull.
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Has anyone else come across that description of the Rubies helmet? They also say Rubies is producing high and low quality versions of the helmet? :wacko

Are they referring to the 2 dimensional open-back "mask" as the low quality version? I'm confused.

Here's what I'm talking about:

"Pre-Sale (August/September). The Collector's Edition of the Jango Fett Helmet. Made of high quality, injected plastic. Will fit most adults. PLEASE NOTE - Rubies is producing high-quality and lower-quality versions of this helmet. This is the higher quality version."
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I've seen one of these things... they are really cheesy... not worth the money at all... And the store that sells them here has them only with the pajama costume as well...

Most of the masks I saw at our large Halloween store were all crushed in the forehead... (not dented... :lol:) so they aren't high quality at all...

The collectors edition is made much better... Though it's more like a soft plastic latex or something rather than hard thick plastic. In other words, it can bend and is more like rubber...

okay, searching for the right words here... hope it made sense. *L*

In anycase, I'm hoping my home made one turns out at least as good as the collecters and will most likely be better than the delux.

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It is GARBAGE! I have seen one and tried it on. It comes in with a front and a back which are held together w/ velcro.

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I've only seen it paired with the Deluxe Jango costume. It comes together like the Kellog's Clone Troope helmet. But, if you can imagine this, it looks MUCH worse.
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