Rubies Helmet Review

Your right it not that bad.I plan on a new visor and stripes. Some how i was to get it to shine.I might also try to make the dome flater.

Has anybody seen the redo that one guy had on e-bay it was nice but i can'tfind it now.

I'll try to get some better all angle pics on over the weekend. And for the record it is ok for a temp helmet or even a lower bugeted helmet, Some people just have different tastes or want a different look thats all...
I should be getting my helmet in a few days. I think it's ok for a temp (like many of you said) But it looks like its going to need a whole new paint job. I had a question about the blue area. Most of the pictures I've seen look teal. Is the blue ok looking? Is it still 2 shades? I too would like to try to make the dome a bit flatter. Any ideas on how you are going to do this, scarbrs? I'm thinking or putting it in my car on a hot summer day and let the helmet get a bit soft and then flatten it a bit. Maybe I'll buy a new kit later but I have spend far too much money on my costume for that now. :)
Well, I did some or my Photoshop magic in the computer and took the helmet picture that scarbrs provided and placed it over the real Jango Fett. The only modification I did was stretched the helmet horizontally (just a bit) and it looks VERY close to the shape of the real helmet. I can't say the same about the paint job but it seems like its a good "cheap" alternative. All you have to do is stretch it a bit instead of lowering the dome alone. I dont have anything to upload the picture in for you to see but feel free to email me and I will send you a pic of my modification picture ASAP.
Here is the pic.
It look great.
What did you do with the color it matches so good.

All I did was messed with the contras. I still think, from the looks of the pic, that the whole thing needs a paint job. Plus, you'd want the helmet silver to match the entire armor.

Yea im going to paint it then use the same sliver to paintthe armor.
What type of paint should i use. I was at Wal-mart and the Plasti-cote has a silver crome arcylic enamel.
You think that if i heat it up i can strech it?

The best paint I found so far is Rust-Oleum Silver. There is a "premium" version of this that I've not yet tested. I've tested about 7 different brands so far and this is the best so far. I haven't painted any of my armor yet. I want to test a small part of the inside of the helmet to see if the same paint will hold up against it. The Krylon was also a good choice but I've tried 3 different Krylons and they all seem to have the same slight "glitter" effect. The Rust-Oleum looks great when adding the Silver Leaf Rub-n-Buff.

As far as the stretching, I think it might work. People have done that with the Don Post Boba Fett helmet. The placed it in the car on a hot day and let the plastic get a bit soft. Then stuff the inside with towels or newspaper to hold the desired shape and let it cool like that. They said "do NOT put it in the oven". Please becarefull when doing this. I'm going to stuff my helmet with towels and then blow dry it 1st. Just to play it safe. I don't want my helmet all warped and funck looking when I get back in the car.


P.S. Eric, you should have a better pic of the Rubies helmet on JF as a side-by-side comparison of the original helmet. Please see if you can post that instead.
Yah know the most ironic thing, they put the pinstripes on the crappy little kid face mask that comes with the costume but they didnt put them on the deluxe collectors helmet...ugh
Shape actually looks pretty good there. The color is obviously off. The range finder stalk looks a bit thick. Is there a way to remove it and put on a new one?
I think the main problem with the Rubies helmet is the SIZE. The shape is off, sure but that’s no big deal. If they just made it a bit bigger they would have a winner on their hands. But if you are under 5.5 tall, this thing should be fantastic. And for the price, well, it can't be beat. Looks like it is going to put some people who sell DP re-casts for $200 out of business!

Now, a fully custom fiber glass one ... now THAT"S worth the money! I love mine.
Actually, the range finder stalk isn't as thick as it looks on the picture. I did the picture modification and I was a bit lazy and did a crappy job of cropping the picture out. The range finder stalk seems to be ok. As far as the size of the whole helmet, it does appear like it could be a bit bigger.

I just got my helmet from Entertainment Earth and was fairly happy with what I got. However, there is alot of work to be done. I'm going to stretch the helmet a BIT wider, replace the visor and repaint the whole thing. Anyone have any pointers? Also, please post pictures of your modified helmet and what you did to give all of us good pointers.


P.S. Anyone know of any good place that I could find material to replace the visor? SMaybe a store that just about every state would have and not some "mom and pop" plastic store in your neck of the woods. :) Maybe tell me what the material is called and I could look it up on
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For a visor go to Menards or Home Depot and pick up a face sheild. Menards is cheaper.Then go to Walmart and get car window tint put them togther after you cut it to shape.
I haven't worked on mine yet but thats what i got.

How you going to streach it? I mean the heats not a problem but to get it to stay might be?

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I think there is a guy on ebay who sells the visor already cut and tinted. What do you guys mean stretching the helmet and how does one stretch their helmet":)" Seriously, how do you stretch it and why.
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I think he is refering to the streching of the helmet to make it wider so that it has a better flair to it.

I have heard that putting the helmet in your car for awhile on a good hot day to heat up evenly so you can make your mods and correct any factory warpage then cooling it down quickley with water to keep its shape.
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