RoTJ/ ESB differances


Active Hunter
I have just started the long journey towards a Fett costume. (I already have 501st Sandtrooper and Scout as you can see by my screen name.) I plan on making as accurate a costume as I can, so my qeustion is:
What are the differances between the RoTJ and ESB Fetts? I know the jumpsuits and capes are differant, but not sure what goes with what. Is there a list somewhere as to what goes with the RoTJ vs ESB? Any help would be apperciated. Feel free to pm me if you prefer.
TD/TB-352 said:
I plan on making as accurate a costume as I can
You've definitely come to the right place for that!!!:cheers

TD/TB-352 said:
What are the differances between the RoTJ and ESB Fetts? I know the jumpsuits and capes are differant, but not sure what goes with what. Is there a list somewhere as to what goes with the RoTJ vs ESB? Any help would be apperciated. Feel free to pm me if you prefer.
Right off the top of my head, I can suggest you join the Phoenix Squadron (501st bounty hunter detachment.) There are costume lists over there describing the differences.

I can list a few for right now (I know some veteran Fetts are gonna list a whole bunch more than me:thumbsup:)
Helmet kill mark color (ROTJ: red; ESB: yellow)
Jet Pack color (ROTJ: a mix of yellow, red, white, and blue; ESB: mostly green.)
Gauntlet color (ROTJ: maroon / dark red; ESB: green)
Someone may have to correct me on this, but I think the LED sequence may be different for each.
The list could go on and on. The real question is, what's not different?
There are of course the obvious differences, such as the gauntlets and the helmet. But there are also lots of subtle things, off the top of my head I can think of the decals and even the hip pouches.

I would check out the Phoenix squadron like Jimmy BufFETT said, but also, just research around. The only differences that people usually base their decisions on are the helmet, the jet pack, and the gauntlets, so you don't really need to worry about the other stuff until you've started.
TD/TB-352 said:
What are the differances between the RoTJ and ESB Fetts? .

1.helmet colors are different and kill stripes are also different
2.shoulder armor decals differ
3. jet pack coloring
5.gauntlets are colored differently and the flame thrower is also different
6.blaster? not sure, I only do RoTJ
7.hip pouches, like team fett said
8.He doesnt fall into a Sarlaac in RoTJ;)

Probably more, just cant think becuase of all the fiberglass i've inhaled today:lol:
Ammo belts are different,
gloves are,
jumpsuit is,
no spats on ESB,
armor damage is,
blasters are,
sidearm on ESB,
helmet markings and colors are,

so add these differences to the ones already stated.

Oh yeah, and he doesn't scream like a little girl in ESB.
using a suit difference to idealize the course of what happened to your favourite character is simply sad.
don't turn this into another ESB vs. ROTJ... please? not again...

I think it was JK or JFJ (correct me if I'm wrong) who noticed the top of his most right shoulder stud was red in ESB.

electronics donnot work in ROTJ, 'cept for publicity shots.

ROTJ casio guts in the helmet have 2 little thingies sticking out of the keyslots, ESB does not.
The short answer is just about everything. But that's not important.

The real question is:

Which version do YOU like better?

Pick one. Do your research. And stick with it.

BTW, welcome to TDH.

You should consider the PRO's and CON's in between both versions:

  1. ESB has less colors in it's armor (mostly GREEN-TONED), but for that, refer to the "Rogue Studios" Color chart on the HELMET and/or ARMOR sections. The Jet Pack, gauntlets, and weathering pattern in ROTJ are different, and also a diffent colors. ESB has pipes, and a complicated pattern on the flamethrowers; ROTJ have a "box" assembled to "house" the flamethrower.
  2. ESB jumpsuit has a tone of bluish color, compared to choosing a ROTJ version, which is a dyed or faded grey jumpsuit.
  3. ESB belt pouches are the same color as the jumpsuit (a plus), ROTJ is a different color between a tannish brown to a "coffee" tan. Not tan or gray, but somewhere lighter than just brown. :facepalm
  4. ESB has a sidearm in his right back hip, ROTJ don't....Sarlacc disaster should've never happened because of lack of that in ROTJ. :angry (ducking to prevent a piece or armor thrown at me from a distance) :lol:
  5. No boot spats (less items to carry around) in ESB, in ROTJ they're there to cover imperfections in the connection of your lower legs between the jumpsuit and the boots.
  6. ESB blaster is simpler than the ROTJ version...somehow. Its the same base, except that there were a lot of things added to it in ROTJ..cosmetic additions, I would say, to make it look BIGGER, and MEANER.
  7. ESB has WORKING electronics in his chest display (a most for ANY Fett version, me on this one).
  8. Detailed working Rangefinder LED's, and more detailed and different than the ROTJ version. (not necessary, but a tip to convert you to the "ACCURACY-BUG-DICEASE")!!! :lol:
  9. ESB helmet paintjob is the most detailed one (and probably THE BEST ONE among fans and members here), that you could use with either ESB or ROTJ, since the same helmet was used in the Special Edition movie versions, and the MoM exhibitions, using ROTJ armor with the ESB helmet....not to mention that the ESB kill marks are a some kind of SCHOOL BUS YELLOW, and the ROTJ are ORANGE, not RED, and the number of stripes is more (i forgot the number, though) and somehow thinner/smaller in size than the ESB version.
  10. Cummerbund....I'm not 100% sure about this one, but I believe that the cummerbund for ESB was somehow a brownish color, and the ROTJ was a burgundy color.
Well, I hope that helps in your search.....and I was thinking about being "BRIEF". :eek: :lol:

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DarthVader1 said:
ESB helmet paintjob is the most detailed one

Robert, you about covert everything without the pro ESb or pro ROTJ tone... which is an accomplishment on it's own.


don't agree with you on that helmet point though...

but maybe Marrow Sun can fill us in on that one.

ESB looks so much different I think, mostly because the scratches are fewer, but the ones that are there are surrounded with this blue-ish color, making the scratches stand out more.
[Quote: ESB blaster is simpler than the ROTJ version...somehow. Its the same base, except that there were a lot of things added to it in ROTJ..cosmetic additions, I would say, to make it look BIGGER, and MEANER]

I'm not too sure I would agree that the ESB blaster is simpler. I almost gave up on this project because of the blaster.The ESB scope mounts are a migrane project, and finding the molex 6 pin blocks to put under the scope is almost impossible!
I did recently find that a member here is offering them ebay right now. I grabbed me a set!:cheers

I do agree though that the ROTJ EE-3 is meaner looking.
Gator Fett said:
The short answer is just about everything. But that's not important.

The real question is:

Which version do YOU like better?

Pick one. Do your research. And stick with it.

BTW, welcome to TDH.


Said best right here.
I'm with you Gator:thumbsup:
In a word.....Wow. That's alot of very good info. I see I came to the right place. :thumbsup: As of now I plan on doing a ROTJ Fett. I just like the look of that version better for some reason. Now I just need to decide which pieces to buy first and from whom.......
RBF said:
Robert, you about covert everything without the pro ESb or pro ROTJ tone... which is an accomplishment on it's own.


don't agree with you on that helmet point though...

but maybe Marrow Sun can fill us in on that one.

ESB looks so much different I think, mostly because the scratches are fewer, but the ones that are there are surrounded with this blue-ish color, making the scratches stand out more.

Thanks. I tried to be impartial for both, which both has advantages and disadvantages...just for everyone to consider which is best on their own.

The helmet, I agree that the ROTJ version has a LOT MORE scratches than the ESB version. But what I meant is that it has more colors and details (in within the ESB scratches and weathering) than the ROTJ version, ROTJ has "dull silver" in both earcaps, ESB has a "Golden" tone on the right, and a complete different "green" color on the left....not counting the "rust", "grey", and other colors to create the weathering and scratches on ESB accurately.


PS: BTW, I like the job you've done with your ROTJ bucket! :thumbsup: :)
thnx Robert!:D

ok, so

ESB = more diverse in colors, both the colors on the helmet as the weathering.

ROTJ = more scratches and little pits and dots overall, making it harder to recreate properly, not to forget the tons of washing layers.
RBF said:
using a suit difference to idealize the course of what happened to your favourite character is simply sad.
don't turn this into another ESB vs. ROTJ... please? not again...

RBF, it's just a joke. Fett rocks in any incarnation. :) :thumbsup:
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