Jetpack Rotj Help


New Hunter
Hello everyone.

I'm working on my rotj jetpack. I need help on the base color. I hesitate between white and silver. I have read mixed opinions.
Silver main body, white rocket and thrusters, or all silver?
I appreciate your help.
thank you very much and excuse my english
Silver is just for most of the chipping. The rocket and thrusters are gray. The white parts on the sides of the middle tank are white, just weathered. Overall there is some white chipping that is showing the original gel coat & resin color. Mainly on the high parts and edges where the paint naturally chipped and rubbed off over time.

So technically you should paint everything white, then silver, then colors as the original pack was white then painted silver then with painted colors.
Silver. Some people believe this area marked is white, but I think it’s just silver reflecting light. There’s area of clean and dirty/weathered silver.

I went the silver route.


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I’m not sure if this will help or not, but I recently did a repaint of my ROTJ jetpack. Found here:

Both times I painted my jetpack I used the layering technique because I like the aesthetic of the chipped paint look. I had issues both times due to how much masking is involved and how the layers don’t adhere very well to the silver paint. The paint would pull up in areas when pulling the tape off. I was using delicate surface tape and it still lifted off in some places requiring me to repaint in those areas. If it was to do it again, I would definitely do all of the silver damage topically.
Silver. Some people believe this area marked is white, but I think it’s just silver reflecting light. There’s area of clean and dirty/weathered silver.

I went the silver route.
The area circled in your first image is white. It's the paint naturally chipped off reveling the gelcoat of the fiberglass. The chipping wasn't there earlier in production and it was fixed before filming. You can even confirm this because the tank is slipping out showing the white gelcoat, which it also does in the SE photo shoot - also white. There is a lot of smaller white chipping around the pack too because it was handled so roughly before actually making it on screen causing a lot of paint to naturally chip off.

All the accidental damage


Fixed before filming, Glenn seen here wearing the Hero pack during filming.

You can still kind of see it because they very quickly sprayed over to hide it.

Necesito ayuda con el color gris humbrol para los propulsores del jetpack.

He leído humbrol 72, pero ese color no es gris.

Silver. Some people believe this area marked is white, but I think it’s just silver reflecting light. There’s area of clean and dirty/weathered silver.

I went the silver route.
Agreed. There's so many scratches on the main body showing silver underneath, i found it easier to give the whole thing a couple of coats of silver before starting with colour
Agreed. There's so many scratches on the main body showing silver underneath, i found it easier to give the whole thing a couple of coats of silver before starting with colour
There is also quite a bit showing the white of the gelcoat by the time the jetpack is used for ROTJ. The entire pack is beat to hell.
There is also quite a bit showing the white of the gelcoat by the time the jetpack is used for ROTJ. The entire pack is beat to hell.
I've never had the pleasure of seeing it close up. It's little nuggets of information like this that this group is just brilliant for. Most post production reference pics I've seen are maybe drowned with flash or display lights that gives them the impression it's all silver or white. Thanks for that, i never knew
I've never had the pleasure of seeing it close up. It's little nuggets of information like this that this group is just brilliant for. Most post production reference pics I've seen are maybe drowned with flash or display lights that gives them the impression it's all silver or white. Thanks for that, i never knew
There are some really great pictures in the gallery of when its been on display. Lots of the close up shots you can tell what is white and what is silver. Even in some of the promo shots. We also have pictures of the jetpack in ~1980 not long after it was painted. That would show the intentional silver clips. Anything added later was accidental and many of those extra chips are down to the gelcoat and thus white. Especially on the edges of the high parts of the jetpack as those are gonna get the most wear and tear.
There are some really great pictures in the gallery of when its been on display. Lots of the close up shots you can tell what is white and what is silver. Even in some of the promo shots. We also have pictures of the jetpack in ~1980 not long after it was painted. That would show the intentional silver clips. Anything added later was accidental and many of those extra chips are down to the gelcoat and thus white. Especially on the edges of the high parts of the jetpack as those are gonna get the most wear and tear.
I guess i need to dig a little deeper
...The chipping wasn't there earlier in production and it was fixed before filming. You can even confirm this because the tank is slipping out showing the white gelcoat, which it also does in the SE photo shoot - also white. There is a lot of smaller white chipping around the pack too because it was handled so roughly before actually making it on screen causing a lot of paint to naturally chip off.

I've been burning my eyes looking at jetpack reference in preparation to paint my ROTJ SE, and it took me long enough to realize the left tank slipping down on the SE Promo tank. I couldn't understand why the weathering/chipping looked so different to the Star Wars Celebration IV photos on that area, but I guess it was just hiding!

Also interesting thing I noticed, the top left red fuel tank cap appears to have been rotated sometime between the SE photoshoot and the display of the pack. You can see the white damage has shifted over. Possibly when they "repaired" the sunken fuel tank?

All in all it's been incredibly tough for me as well to differentiate what damage is silver and what damage is white, I feel almost colorblind sometimes lol Neo Fett's recommendation of close up reference and comparing to the fresh ROTJ paintjob has helped.
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