Jet Pack MOW Jetpack Repaint


Well-Known Hunter
I painted this MOW jetpack about 8 years ago. I think it’s about time for a repaint…

What colors will you be using?

That is something I am currently researching. When I originally painted this years ago, I used rattle cans. I will be using airbrush this time around. I am partial to Tamiya acrylic paints, but I am having some difficulty for getting the right shade of red. I don't want to mix paint if I don't have to. :p
I have been looking at Vallejo. They seem to have a wide variety of colors. Any experience with them?
I am open to suggestions.
Oh you're gonna layer it? Brave!
That’s how I painted it the first time. I like the aesthetic of the layering. There will still be some of the smaller silver damage that I will need to do topically.

Originally, I was wanting to use airbrush exclusively for this repaint. After some discussion with Miggs, he convinced me to use rattlecan for the base layers. I’ll still be using airbrush for the weathering though. He gave me a list of colors that he used to try out.
Hey fellas, I too am approaching the same step with my MOW pack. What do you suppose the likelihood of Mr Miggs sharing this color list of his is? I airbrushed my 1st JP which is a 3d print, and I'm thinking of going the can route on this one...


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Hey fellas, I too am approaching the same step with my MOW pack. What do you suppose the likelihood of Mr Miggs sharing this color list of his is? I airbrushed my 1st JP which is a 3d print, and I'm thinking of going the can route on this one...

I don’t think he would mind me sharing.

Blue: Rustoleum Ultra Matte Nantucket Blue

Yellow: Krylon Matte Wild Honey

Red: Rustoleum Satin Colonial Red

White: Ace Hardware Premium Satin Ivory
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