I'm not an expert on this, but its a little complicated with the SE as there was really only a few shots that were filmed for that.
It really depends what you are after but if you are looking to do a SE costume for 501, they base their version off of the "Promo photoshoot" costume which you can find reference here.
Boba Fett as seen in promotional material and films for Star Wars: the Special Edition
I'm fairly certain that it's the same jetpack as one of the ROTJ hero jetpacks which can be seen in the 2nd half of this album (starting on bottom of page 2) freshly painted:
Boba Fett Return of the Jedi Jetpack
Lastly, you can see modern up close reference of this jetpack in the star wars celebration IV gallery. So this would have been after SE filming, with some repairs and likely additional damage from it's touring journey.
Boba Fett costume at Star Wars: Celebration IV in Los Angeles, CA.
Someone will hopefully correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe these above examples are all the same physical jetpack just in different states throughout the years. I'm pretty new to the Fett stuff, but reminds me of my 2nd love of Ghostbusters where they used the same physical hero proton packs for Ghostbusters 1 and 2, so while they are still hanging around today there's very limited reference of the original 1984 condition because they were used so heavily, repaired many times and changed up a bit