ROTJ Bucket colors


Active Hunter
Hey all,

I know this has probably been asked a zillion times, but I did a search here and couldnt find what Im lookin for.
I just scored a 95 DP offa Ebay , and I want to ROTJ it.
I would love for someone to post the colors again for me along with maybe the brand names & part #'s of the paint
If someone could do that for me that would be great (Best Bill Lumbergh voice )


DreadPirateRoberts wrote:

I just scored a 95 DP offa Ebay , and I want to RTOJ it.

Ahhh, hmmm, the ever rare RTOJ helmet version...that would be Return The Old Jedi? Reving The Outasight Jedi?
Reversing The Outside Jedi?

:lol: :D

Sorry bro, couldn't resist it...!

Seriously, search the Helmet forum for paints, Rogue Studios did ESB, I believe (could be wrong)that suitable colors were posted for ROTJ as well. Maybe not by Lee, but they are out there...

Good luck!

take care,

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Damn I hate it when I do that, ok ok I made a lil boo boo:o edit edit edit

It was only EBS colors I think.......... oops I mean ESB LOL
I contacted RA as well, hopefully Ill get an answer. if not Ill keep looking here, maybe im just blind

Hey DPR,

If you get a list of model paints that fits the bill (Floquil Polyscale etc), I would be VERY interested. The only list I have found on the board is for Spray Paint, most of which I can not get up here in Canada. :(

If I can't find the colours, I guess I will have to try an custom match them (a scary thought:))

BTW I thought RTOJ was much better then EBS ;)


Loranar_Fett wrote:

Hey DPR,

If you get a list of model paints that fits the bill (Floquil Polyscale etc), I would be VERY interested. The only list I have found on the board is for Spray Paint.


Yeah I might have to go the Spraypaint route as well

Lynn TXP 0369 wrote:

You just gotta do a a little searching with th search function ... ;)
My ROTJ colors are posted in this thread.


Unfortunately, it is hard to get these colours in Canada as Home Depots and Walmart up here do not always have them. I was refereing to this thread Without a reliable source of the spray paints in Canada, I will have to try to mix and match. :(

Oh well - that should be half the fun :D (As sick as that sounds :facepalm)


DreadPirateRoberts wrote:

Dont know what I did wrong, but I used the search function and didnt find squat. thanks for the link, Good show ol bean


Anytime, It can be tricky to find stuff at times, but it is mostly there.

Here is the results of my colors used for my ROTJ bucket.



Bucket looks great Lynn - I will have make another attempt at finding those paints again.

Are you doing an ESB suit now too or just the bucket?


Loranar_Fett wrote:

Bucket looks great Lynn - I will have make another attempt at finding those paints again.

Are you doing an ESB suit now too or just the bucket?



I'm staying with ROTJ, my wife would kill me if I decided to make another suit. :lol: I could have easily enough if I havn't sold off all my old sets of armor, hell I could have made three Fetts Pre Pro, ESB, and ROTJ.

I have an agreement with the wife, any time I upgrade a part or piece the old part must go, buckets are NOT included with this agreement. ;)

When my ROTJ Fett gets to it's final display area I will have the ROTJ display along with my other Fett buckets placed around it some how. I can then swap out all three buckets time to time just to give the display a different look.

Great Idea!

I know what you mean - I am just starting this fine hobby and the wife looks at me weird everytime I talk about a new peice. Kinda like "do you know what you could buy for that much money" :)

Then again, she is supportive and listens to me talk about how I am going to make this... and how I am going to paint that...

But... like you I would not want to push my luck and build two suits - although the multiple helmets are an interesting idea...hmmm :evil

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