Right Gauntlet Switches - Identified ? (Updated)


Well-Known Hunter
Hey !

I've been thinking about this for sometime, and I just can't pin it down. It's one of the last things holding up the completion of my suit's overhaul.

I know there was someone, at some point, that either started a thread, or participated in a thread that discussed the switches used on Boba's right gauntlet. But the name(s) have eluded me, and I can't find the thread for some reason.

Has there been any progress on finding or identifying these switches ? If memory serves, they were NOT toggle switches, but Rotary Switches of some sort, correct ?

If the used part hasn't been discovered yet, or if it hasn't been agreed upon yet, let's discuss/debate it now. I want these little suckers..... and I want 'em NOW !! :lol:

If it's already old news, forgive me, and enlightenment me :D

Thanks Everyone in advance,

Any close-ups of the items in question, fettpride? If they were here, we wouldn't have to keep jumping back and forth to a link, etc.. I love games like this. :)
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Hey Chris,
I thought someone around here said they were a rotary switch of some kind. It has been a while and my memory is fading from the lack of baby sleep...... :p
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Interesting. I just went through every picture on the Ref CD and couldn't find one clear picture of those switches. They were missing on the gauntlets at both MoM and AoSW.


I found a blurry blown up pic from the Pre-Pro stand-up, but not clear enough to be conclusive. Who's got one of these stand-ups that can take a nice, tight close-up picture for us?

As far as the rotary switch discussion, I believe that was Seeker and sith_camaro who mentioned they used them on their Jango gauntlets.
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Wow, those are tee-ninetsy! Hard to see. Maybe our UK brethren see something familiar in them? Maybe from an old lamp or something?
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Small Body Subminiature Precision Rotary Switches

This tells me that being subminiature, that they're probably the same 1/8 size that the Radio Shack sub-mini toggles are, only rotary. What do you guys think ?





Looking at the diagram, you can see that flat portion of the finger switch where a knob would fit onto and lock down.

I think this is prety close. But Sub-Mini might be too small compared to the switches that Boba Phett was showing us. HIs looked a little longer.

Thoughts ??
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Ok. I'll take the word of someone who saw the ACTUAL/ORIGINAL piece, that there is the flat part. If so, and these are the twist switches mentioned previously(before these fp diagrams), would they have been an item found only in the UK? Were these props built in the UK? Forgive my ignorance, but I always thought this was the case. If so, and I'm lovin' the footwork so far fettpride, would dimensions be same-same for these generic switches here across the pond in the US? This may be a great re-discovery if many didn't know this.
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MegalomaniacalMandalore wrote:

Ok. I'll take the word of someone who saw the ACTUAL/ORIGINAL piece, that there is the flat part. If so, and these are the twist switches mentioned previously(before these fp diagrams), would they have been an item found only in the UK? Were these props built in the UK? Forgive my ignorance, but I always thought this was the case. If so, and I'm lovin' the footwork so far fettpride, would dimensions be same-same for these generic switches here across the pond in the US? This may be a great re-discovery if many didn't know this.

You're correct in the fact that most of the film props were likely assembled at Levingston Studio's in the UK (Spelling Right ?). But I have read just recently actually, that the Fett components were actually assemled and painted here in the U.S. (Joe Johnston). Cannot remember the source, so I wouldn't call this gospil, but I do believe that is what has been decided. Someone invloved in that conversation please interject if I misundersttod.

Now that is not to say that the switches were not of U.K. origin. I wouldn't doubt for one minute that they're from the U.K., everything else seems to be dammit :lol:

I think though, that this could e a very likely alternative to a found item that may or may not be available anymore, or attainable for that matter.

I personally think that the size of these switches may actually be accurate in size. At least the portion that sticks out of the gauntlet. No one could possibly know what the back's of them look like for sure. It even has the gasket that has been mentioned.

I plan on giving them a call in the morn, and see what I can get a couple of these things for. I will be the guinea pig :D

I'll put them in my new right gaunt, and see what she looks like.

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It would stand to reason that the switches are very likely parts from the UK as many of Fett's found parts are UK based. The dental expander and shin tools immediately come to mind.
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Hey - Thanks fettcicle !! Those would be the ones!

My only concern about the size of that switch is the size of the hole that would have to be made in the gauntlets. On the MoM and AoSW the holes in the gauntlets look very small - as in even smaller than 1/8". This is what's been confusing me. The only thing that I can think of is that perhaps, those were gauntlets that weren't acutally screen used and had not had switches actually installed in them yet. Perhaps, they were just drilled reference points where they were to be later installed. Any thoughts on this?? Anybody else that's interested can see what I'm talking about by clicking on Bobafettish's link.

Brak's - as I stated above, I wouldn't at all doubt that the parts are from the UK. Happen to know anybody close over there that could seek them out for us? :D (I know you do);)
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BobaFettish wrote:

...I found a blurry blown up pic from the Pre-Pro stand-up, but not clear enough to be conclusive. Who's got one of these stand-ups that can take a nice, tight close-up picture for us?...

I've got that stand up and those switches are already blurry as printed...wish I coulda helped :(
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tylerdurden wrote:

If I am not mistaken, the gauntlets have been indentified as being "screen used."

That's exactly what I wanted to hear. So then would Fettcicle's switches appear to have fit in those little holes? This is really bugging me :lol:

For those that have any doubts that the switches were actually screen used for ROTJ, here's a pic. Blury, but they're there.


Brak's - Well, get to work man :D
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For those that didn't see the photos the first time around.

Pics of where these switches show up on the pre-pro and ESB suit, all courtesy of the Ref CD and the chronicles. ROTJ's are in the movie but not on the suits anymore.

Sample switches I have laying along with fettcicles pre-pro gauntlets

I can honestly say the switches that I have fit real nicely on the new gauntlets I just got ;) (sorry no pics of this available) -Mark
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FP. From the schematic you provided of the A-1150, it appears as though a hole approximately 1/8 inch would work for inserting the threaded receiver for the locking nut. The schemo says it's .15 ....I hope this is inches or else disregard this post.
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