RF LED KITS - Thanks!

im interested depending price, also any pics would be cool. :)
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Wow, I had no idea so many people would be interested in this!It's too bad I gotta be at work today cuz I'd be sitting home soldering stuff :(.

But don't worry, I'll whip something up during my evenings this week so I hope you guys don't mind! :D

As I've said before, this circuit is very simple and blinks the 2 red LED's on and off in sequence. As far as I know, the ones in the move do something extra, am I right? Well anyways, my circuit is good enough for me so I'm just gonna make this simple one. I just wanted to let you guys know how it's going to work.


Yes, the lights will turn on only in the down position, that's what the mercury switch is for. It's kindof a little glass tube with some mercury in it that flows from end to end when tilted. On one end it comes in contact with 2 leads that are shorted and make the current flow! On the other end, the mercury doesn't connect anything and the lights stop. Here's an diagram:

I also wanted to let you guys know that alot of stores don't carry mercury switches due to the fact that mercury is a hazardous substance, so please note this before requesting a kit. There's *very* little mercury in the switch but I don't want to send you something that you may not approve of. Here's a little summary of what I'm talking about: Mercury Switch Facts


As long as your MS helmet has a hollow RF, I don't see why it wouldn't fit your wickedly painted helmet ;). I'm trying to make the circuit as small as possible so it'll fit in most RF's.

I have about 10 Super Bright Blue LED's that are very bright (5000-9999 mcd (millicandles) as opposed to the regular red LED's or other's that range from 3-40mcd!) and I can use these ones in some circuits for the screen if since some people already requested this. The blue should look really sweet since it's a popular color and it looks really nice. The era of souping up fett suits has come... :D

The only problem I'm facing right now is figuring out how to mount the tiny battery. The battery is very small, and you can't really find a battery housing that small in the store, but I'll drop by another shop tonight and find out. If not, I have another idea how to do this! Also, if any of you have suggestions, please let me know.

I wanted to mention that when you guys recieve this you'll need to probably move the mercury switch to the right position so it suits your needs since it may get a little bent through shipping! It's not a big deal, but just don't keep bending the wire since it's tiny, and obviously fragile ;).

Hmm, what else do I need to mention....oh yeah, if you guys wanna check it out, the remote control battery that I'll be using in the circuit is a 9V battery that comes in a 2 pack from RadioShack, so unless you guys want me to put it in, I'll probably just let you do the shopping for that. I can also put a battery in the package if it's requested.

Ok well, I guess that's it for now. I'll be going to a shop tonight to order some more mercury switches because they're hard to come by, and also to pick up some other tools and components. I should have some more pics up this week and probably on the weekend as wells so stay tuned!

If anyone else has any questions, please post and ask me, I'll be glad to answer! :D

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VERY interested in this. :D

A question:

Will the LED's be soldered to the PCB in discreet locations? Or will there be a short length of wire connecting the LED's to the PCB that will allow some flexibility in positioning them in the RF? The reason I ask is that if the LED's are attached rigidly to the PCB, and someone drills their two holes in the RF too close/far apart, then they might have some difficulties.
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Very good question! I'm planning to solder the LED's to the PCB, but I'm going to leave alot of the leads instead of trimming them that way, you can just bend them to the correct locations. Does that sound ok?

Bobo :D
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Point taken re: mercury. I’m wondering if there is going to be problems shipping a mercury switch on a plane (I’m in the UK). I seem to recall that mercury is a banned substance in air travel (haven’t flown for a while, so I stand to be corrected).

Any chance of using non-mercury tilt switches, without it affecting the price?

Here are some links to non-mercury tilt switch suppliers (more to show that they are available, than where you should look for them)

Maplin – a UK version of Radioshack

Results of a search for “tilt switch” on google.

Just a thought.There are probably more suppliers, but I don't have time to look right now (I'm at work :facepalm)

Sounds good so far, though.

Like the idea of long wire to the LED’s to help in the ease of positioning!

Look forward to more updates.

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Yeah good point. I'll call around today and find out about non-mercury tilt-switches then. I hope I'll find something suitable! I don't know about the laws regarding marcury switches and planes, but I guess it *could* be a slight problem. I'll keep you posted ;)

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Am I wrong, or are you a fellow Canuck there Bobo? If so, might be worthwhile checking about just shipping them over the border . . as it might be classified a dangerous substance, and be subject to additional hassles.

Man I'm pumped for this! :)

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Yeah I'm afraid of that, and I'll check into it.
And yes, I'm in Ottawa :)

Would you guys be able to help me out locating some tilt-switch suppliers in Canada and/or online please?

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I'd be happy to get the ones from Maplins, over here and ship them to you. They're £1.49 each (about US$2 or so) and there's a discount per unit the more you order. Shipping shouldn't be too much as they can't be too heavy. I can take paypal

LMK. I have a Maplins near where I work.

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Ok cool, I'll let you know. First I'll check around here cuz I'm sure someone must carry them, but if not...expect a PM!

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I'm not saying you CAN'T ship the mercury switches . . just that it might be worthwhile checking to see if there are any legal issues with doing so.

I only say that cuz of my WONDERFUL history with Canada Post.

Either way . . . I'm a Canadian so it's just domestic mail . . . mercury for me! hahaha

Bobo wrote:

Yeah I'm afraid of that, and I'll check into it.
And yes, I'm in Ottawa :)
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Ok guys, I just called a few places and they said that there shouldn't be any problem sending mercury switches over the border! And since I can't seem to find a place that would sell non-mercury switches in town, I think I'll continue to design these with my original mercury switches if thats ok with you guys?!

Unless of course I find a place that does sell the other ones soon.

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Looking good Bobo.

I got my mercury switch today, no problem shipping from Canada to the U.S. (just need more padding :D)Let me know about those non-mercury switches also, might want me one as well as the other stuff we talked about;).
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Okay, well . . sorry for instilling some paranoia into the project then! :) hehehe

I just know that with my luck, if it was me, Canada Post would show up at my door and jail me! :)


WOOHOO!! 700 posts! :)
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And now, presenting a little movie! Check this out, it's about 3 megs, and its the test circuit showing off the 2 red leds, one blue one and the mercury switch:


Let me know what you guys think! :D
Hope you like so far...and gimme suggestions!! ;)

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