Why do you even need to review this?
Just hold it up to the sky, Gods will come and project the beautiful Fettpride worksmanship into all of our hearts...
Oh wait that's why you reviewed this!!! Cause internet's a bit faster I guess.
Haha anyways besides that mighty compliment on the work of Fettpride, nice review, very detailed pictures and have fun painting that sucker up! I may get a few Fettpride helmets sometime and Keep one just primed. I always love a primed helmet.
Edit- Also to my extent of my knowledge to the last point I was here, I know the FPH1 is a sculpt and I don't doubt this one is a sculpt either, FP is one really talented and unique individual! Glad he is still here and it's growing constantly!
I used to have his armor, not the helmet it was Bobamaker but I can also attest to how beautiful work this man does! His helmets are literally god...