I would cast it with the wires and alight metal tubing for stability. All to often and especially in heat the stalks tend to want to warp. The metal rod would keep this from happening.
I second the metal rod in the stalk. Unless you do something crazy like over tighten it... it's not going anywhere.... but who would do something like that? certainly not me
I would cast it with the wires and alight metal tubing for stability. All to often and especially in heat the stalks tend to want to warp. The metal rod would keep this from happening.
Metal tube = great idea. If you really wanted to try something, you could cast the stalk with a "hollow" metal tube in it. Then you wouldn't have to worry about casting the wires directly into the stalk itself. Just string them through the hollow tube. Kill 2 birds with one stone if ya know what I mean. Some folks maybe have different ways of wiring up their RF lights. Mine uses 4 wires. THat way you could cater to everyone. Or maybe thats what the previous post were refering to when they said to put a metal rond into the stalk??? Dunno if it would actually work or not...just an idea.