Paint by hand?

Musical Fett

Active Hunter

I am relatively new to this forum, so I wanted say hi, and ask a question. I have used the search utility, and have had a lot of success.

However, I couldn't find an answer to this question. I am considering painting a ESB style Boba helmet, and was wondering what you guys (and gals) had to say? Is this a really bad idea? I was thinking of spraying on games Workshop black primer, and a basecoat of Testors chrome. I may spray some larger sections, but would primarily do the rest by hand. Just wondering what the general concensus is on this, as I couldn't find much on this using the search.

Also, are Games Workshop paints generally acceptable? I have a friend who works there and can get them for about $1 a bottle for me. Also the helmet I will be painting is a DP '96.

Thanks a lot in advance,
i have used games workshop paints in the past but it was on a fiblerglass helmet, but they should bont the vinyl if you primer it,
All i have to say is work in sections. I did a MSH2 a few years ago and it can get over whelming so make sure you when you get started on the battle damage you stick one technique of weather till that is all done and move onto the next and so forth. Makes it alot easier and you wont end up having to go back on spots you missed later.


Musical Fett said:

I am relatively new to this forum, so I wanted say hi, and ask a question. I have used the search utility, and have had a lot of success.

However, I couldn't find an answer to this question. I am considering painting a ESB style Boba helmet, and was wondering what you guys (and gals) had to say? Is this a really bad idea? I was thinking of spraying on games Workshop black primer, and a basecoat of Testors chrome. I may spray some larger sections, but would primarily do the rest by hand. Just wondering what the general concensus is on this, as I couldn't find much on this using the search.

Also, are Games Workshop paints generally acceptable? I have a friend who works there and can get them for about $1 a bottle for me. Also the helmet I will be painting is a DP '96.

Thanks a lot in advance,
I agree

it also helps to do sections of it.

that's what I'm doing now.

for example first the left cheek, then the right, then the left mandible etc... basicly doing colour for colour... so when you do the red visor, do all of it (so plan a full afternoon for just that part) that way you, as stated before, you won't miss a part.

and don't rush.
My ESB was done in 2 days.
while I'm allready working for a week or so on my ROTJ helmet, and the patience really pays off.
I hand painted my entire helmet, the scratches were done using the mustard method (not topical) over silver spray paint.
Thanks a lot for the good advice and the nice welcome to the boards.....I am going to take all of these ideas into consideration before I begin.

Take care,
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