Origin of The Dent!

Boba Fett's armor wasn't beskar like Jango's. In fact, in the LOTF series, Boba starts thinking about his father's armor, and how he should have taken it as his own, or at least parts of it. And yes, Boba's armor was indeed ****. Most Mandalorians wouldn't even be seen wearing it. But, as he was wearing it more to honor his father than because he was a Mandalorian (he wasn't then), he didn't care, as he felt that if he got hit, he deserved whatever happened to him from it.
it seems like whatever kind of blast or impact to dent a mandalorian helmet would be enough to snap someones neck...how did vader give him the dent according to EU?
OK, so here's the deal on Boba Fett's armor outside of the movies. After Return of the Jedi when he blasted his way out of the Sarlacc & was nursed back to health by Neelah, Denger & the comedy medical droids, Fett went to one of his secret hiding places in the desert & replaced all the parts of his Mandalorian armor destroyed/acid digested by the Sarlacc with bits & pieces from other sets of Mandalorian armor.

I believe that at one time he did have a resized set of his father's armor, it's just that thru his years as a Bounty Hunter he's also collected & hoarded other sets of Mandalorian armors. There is Jodo Kast's gear, but there is also the implication that Boba Fett has ...

a) taken bounties on other Mandalorians & taken their armors(Fenn Shysa, Tobi Daala & the remnants of the True Mandalorians/Deathwatch that formed the Mandalorian Protectorate)

b) found & murdered Mandalorian nomads who were wandering the galaxy & taken their armors.

c) anonymously joined Fenn, Tobi & Spar-02's Mando Protectorate & given Mandalorian armors & parts.

d) Made blueprints of his father's original armor & then replaced his damaged parts over his years as a Bounty Hunter with replica pieces made from Durasteel.

Seriously, I think that he shoulda filled that stupid dent in!
Go back and reread Ordo Te'skot's message. It's the material Mandalorian armor is made from. I believe the armor itself is called beskar'gam.
oh jeez... i didn't even see that post. whoops! :facepalm

it was hiding in there, like a ninja!
Y'see, beskar'gam, dikut, ner vod & words like that are part of the new Mandalorian language that Karen Traviss, author of the Republic Commando novels, developed for LFL. It's a real complicated language & even tho I consider myself somewhat of a hardcore Fandalorian, I just haven't bothered to even try & learn it other than a word here or there. People are learning it tho, there's Klingon comparisons going around & it's muy geeky to talk to each other in Mando'a in public. Still more power to the geeks inside for those that're learning it.

Beskar is lightsaber-resistant metal that's only found on Mandalore. The Mandalorians use it to make their armor out of. Boba didn't use it as he wasn't a real Mandalorian, and in addition, didn't have the funds when he first started bounty hunting. He didn't use his father's armor because he was ten at the time, and he had no way to transport the armor that was far too big for him and probably rather heavy. Remember, he had to fight his way out of the arena using only his dad's blaster pistols and his own skill. He made it to someone from the Seperatists who recognized him, and helped him bury his father. Boba felt that it would be dishonourable to take his father's armor, in addition to impractical (it wouldn't have fit without massive resizing). He did, however, replicate it with his own duraplast armor (not durasteel), several suits of which he went through in his lifetime. However, by the time of LOTF, his armor was durasteel, as he was using parts from Jodo Kast's armor, which was durasteel instead of duraplast.
well, I know that there was a series of books (thin books mind you) that were directed towards a younger audience, and it was about Boba. In that series, he took Jango's armor and helmet, and it got dented by Mace's saber butt. I know that I've seen pieces of those books mentioned on Wiki, like Grevious fighting Boba at the 2nd battle of Zagobah or something like that. Dunno how canon people think it is though.
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