Ordo Te'skotah's Armor

20/10 for workmanship bud, your doing a fantastic job on this. Finally someone shows Mace Windu's troops that you can pull off wearing purple if you actually do it right.
Where do you plan on taking these swords?
Con's most likely won't let them in.

If he is anything like me it turns into one of those "because i can" situations. I know when i finish my blade i won't have a chance of taking it into the con with me, but i would still love to have it for photo shoots, and when my friends organize meetings. The Sword i am getting actually locks into the sheath, and cannot be taken out without depressing a couple of buttons at once, which are hidden anyways.
Your work is fantastic! You've really outdone yourself with those knives and sword. I wish I could do metal working like that, but as it stands I don't have the money for the metal.

To skip the con's restrictions, you could remake the hilts, and use stiff plastic blades made from sheets of PVC, or something stronger. Not perfect, but it would most likely be allowed into cons.

And to Vader's pet on that point, you can get the $20 cheap rip off on ebay, and replace the blade on that with a plastic blade for cons. The UC original and the rip of hilts are almost exact, so it could work. I think shipping is low on those as well.

Again, great work dude, keep it up! :thumbsup:
The blades are also for my SCA garb... One of the reasons I went with a "medieval" look to them ;)

As for cons... I'll take it on a case by case basis. The sword is false edged, like a stunt sword or stage combat sword, so I *may* be able to carry it most places (Haven't had any problems with the other sword I carried to cons). The daggers are another story... they're designed to be fully functional. What I plan on doing for those is either just not carrying them (unless I can get away with the peace-tie method, like some events do) Or build up realistic handles permanantly fixed to fake scabbards. Or maybe completely rounded aluminum blades.

Either way is no problem, just that making the false ones will be alot of work if I have to go that route. However, I haven't had any problems carrying in the past 9 years.
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Sure, no prob 8)

I actually have a couple different setups for my Jedi garb:




My Ceremonial Lightsaber Hilt(also built by me):


"Antique Training Remote"(All metal, also built by me):



By the way, Toragh... not being snippity or anything, but there *are* no cheap knock offs of my weapons... at least not yet. They are 100% original. I know... because I made them ;)
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oh, sorry for the mix up, I was talking about a sword vader's pet is getting. I have no doubt in my mind that your works are all original :cheers

The Jedi set ups are very nice, and that saber and remote are absolutly fantastic! Great work!
I love the job you did on that knife, I also love how you're using reference photos to see what stuff would really look like in Star Wars :) Other than using an unmodified blade or just an off the shelf Katana; as it seems to be popular now.
I haven't been around much lately, been going through a bit of financial upheaval.

However, I did make an awesome trade for a green flightsuit for my armor:


Your armour looks sooo sweet. I love the fact that it's real metal and looks like real armour. I'm sure that really adds a TON of the coolness of the fact that you made it yourself.
Thanks guys!

Another addition today... it's not perfect, but it's the best I could do freehand:


This is on the right shoulder area of my flightsuit, visible below the shoulder armor.
I went against my better judgement and tried to sew my own neckseal anyway... I'm not terribly happy with the result, but I had materials, time, and no cash at the moment, plus I wanted a specific fabric used, so buying one pre-made was pretty much out of my budget:

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