Ogunns' 1st Scratchbuild ROTJ SE Fett (wip)


Jr Hunter
my dad gave me a nice dremel tool so i cut out and primered my armor....need to shape it and finish codpiece before i paint it but grrr!!!!! ran out of sunlight lol here is a pic of it so far..cant really tell but the backplate is behind the


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got the armor painted and took the vasaline off to let the silver and stuff show...looks pretty good so far...need to weather it more obviously but gotta go out of town for a bit so prob wont do that for a day or so lol


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ok a quick update....went to a army surplus store and got the olive tent for the cape....the dress gloves...some pouches for the ammo belt...a khaki shirt for the vest, and i found a jack bauer halloween costume that came with a vest...adjustable and durable so i plan on putting a piece of plastic behind it and snapping the front armor plates to it so they stay in place...i think it will work very well plus it should help with some of the heat factor the suit will generate....trying to keep it as cool as possible....need to paint the pouches and gloves obviously


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various updates here...got the right gauntlet put together except for where the hoses connect as im not quite sure how to do that yet...is there a tutorial anywhere on putting the templates together? lets see...also i got my cloth dye for the flightsuit/spats/pouches....got my templates for the chest display...im going to do the bell bicycle brake LED light like tk409 suggests...here is the link to that...its in the middle column near the bottom.... http://www.tk409.com/fett.html ......various sized switches to go on the gauntlets....some foamish kneepads i hope i can do something with, and some good sized "snaps" to connect my chest armor to the vest....also i finally got back to my helmet and painted the keyslot on the back and i painted the back armorplate


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got the left gauntlet done....both gauntlets are made from cardboard as i just didnt want to dremel out all those parts lol...hopefully after i resin and fiberglass them they will be sturdy enough to have hoses attached and stuff....idk....need to do that this afternoon when i get off work....be nice to get them painted tomorrow and the switches installed....and make a rocket..


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a test fit for the keypad on the left gauntlet...i couldnt find the correct calculator so i made one out of a tv remote controller i cut up with my dremmel tool...once i paint it and keys it should look pretty good


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ok got one kneepad made as a trial to see if these cheap home depot foam kneepads i bought would work....took no time to trace the pattern/cut and it already had a nice curve since it was already a kneepad anyway...5 parts total...the front the 2 sides and then the part where the darts go is one piece with the depth of a second piece cut in half so it wasnt too bulky looking from the front...i also used a coat hanger to splice the 3 main parts together and for additional shaping and i glued each part together with a thin piece of cardboard in between so it had contact with something not foam...i am pretty pleased with it...total time to put together maybe 45 mins


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and one from the top to show the dart holder part

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ok i got the gauntlets done for the most part...couple of touchups to the weathering and adding the switches and a couple of gaps to fill but they are fiberglassed and resined and are pretty sturdy i think...used a tv controller for the keypad and i used the dart tips from the sporting aisle in walmart for the uhhh darts on the right gauntlet...i think they look pretty cool...i guess they are supposed to be silver but i like the black...also got my other kneepad made, i just need to resin it...will do both kneepads tomorrow before work and once after work so they have a nice thick coat on them, then sanding and painting...also just need to add some bondo and paint it and i will have the codpiece done as well....so at that point all of the armor should be done other than shaping the backplate to fit better and the lower back belt part that connects to the codpiece in the front...


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looking good... i have a question... how did you make the gauntlets??? i asume your using wof templates.. but once you print and cut them out, what did you do??
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well i made the gaunts out of some posterboard i got from staples, package of 10 sheets was like 3 dollars or so..big sheets too.... i wanted to make them out of plastic but there were so many parts i decided against it and went with the card board. traced pattern and cut them out....then i basically started on the bottom parts with the 4 cutouts, then the top parts where all the bends and stuff are and got those glued together...basically i did all the parts i knew went together first and worked my way to the remaining pieces while looking at reference material to make sure they are similar at least...some parts i cut out multiple layers in the case of say the panel on right gauntlet where the darts go into...it would be hollow otherwise so i reinforced it with layers of cardboard or i would reinforce the connections...basically anywhere i felt would be weak or need to be stronger and now they are pretty durable i would say. Then when i had them all together and shaped i glued some fiberglass strips inside (gluing the strips down is the easiest way i think...they don't move around when applying resin and its so much less messy) and applied resin to the inside and outside....once it dried i took my dremel and cut off all the things that dried and stuck out or w/e....things not supposed to be there like bits of fiberglass that stuck out from the edges or w/e....then few layers of primer...few layers of metallic silver...then the burgundy and the weathering...still its taken all week to make them both but I'm not in top form as i just had surgery on my face and havn't really felt up to the normal amount of work i usually do...prob could have made them in a couple days if i had been better
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alright i got a little bit done today..finished the codpiece but somehow i bought the wrong paint so it didnt match when i painted it...so thats for later....i did get the kneepads done and i am pretty pleased with them...once its had plenty of time to adhere and some weathering etc they should be fine....the gaunts are looking pretty good i think..still need the switches on them and the rocket...here is a pic of where it stands so far...i dont have a flight suit yet so i used some pants i had just for the idea...of course the colors are not correct yet but i will work on that more this week obviously...still lots of work to be done but basically after a month of steady work on this project i am at this point
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today i got a majority of the jetpack base together...prob gonna use soda cans for the ends so i made a roll of cardboard to go thru and then i will cut the length of that tube and then the soda cans so that they fit overtop so they have a little support beneath them...prob gonna reinforce the top plate with a couple more layers of cardboard and the actual plate that attaches to the armor backplate along with adding some plastic between the layers so i can just screw the jetpack onto the armor backplate....i dont think i really want to mess around with a strap system for it and it seems like a lot of trouble for it to fit on so i will just make it permanent...but i will resin this before i start on the rocket parts so it can support them and i am thinking of spraying some of the pipe foam stuff for insulating walls or filling holes in stuff called foam snake or something like that (w/e it is called) so the actual pack wont be hollow but should be reinforced enough i think and still be light enough not to pull too much on my armor/suit etc....all theory right now...anyway here is a pic


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took a few days off as i have been spending pretty much all my spare time working on this project for the past month or so and i needed a break to catch up on some shows and just kinda chill, but i did add another part to the jp...the lower rocket base part...the ring with all the slots cut out with the recessed areas was kind of a pain but not too bad...hopefully i can have the jp done by the end of the weekend....depending on if i have any cash to spare for the few parts left i need for it lol


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Repainted the codpiece but haven't weathered it and i tried a little bit of fabric dying and did all the grey clothing hoping to match them together a little better...
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i went to a fabrics store and bought 4 long heavy duty cardboard tubes for 5 dollars...i cut them up and made a mannequin out of them stringing them together with shoelaces and duct tape. lots and lots of duct tape. i then taped pillows around it to make it appropriately proportionate. i also ordered my girth belt and soon i will start the ammo belt...
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after a month the smell of the resin wont come out of my helmet so i just went and bought a hasboro one...gonna cut the faceplate out and make the T visor the proper size and extend the cheeks..... i know its not the best, but it is cheap and wont rob my breath when i wear it and it should look pretty decent when it is complete


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