Official Thread - Jango\'s Boots

Oooh, that's a pretty good match. Just need to find a way to make the rest of the shoe black.....or switch soles from the Nikes to a pair of Unlimiteds.
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I e-mailed the guy at west coast leather factory 3 weeks ago to know what the status on the Jango boots, here is what he had to say:

"Ludo...nothing yet...the sole is the problem. We would need to have many orders (100) to have the sole manufactured... before we can move ahead."

That's really too bad, I bought Stormtrooper and Solo boots from him, and they are really great :(
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I found another shoe alternative at Walmart for you ladies or those of you with really small feet. They were $35 & the model is Sasson "Mika".
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I own a pair of Bedford Stu Modules. I used a silver marker paint pen to do the accents on them. I would like to remove it and try something else instead. Will WD40 work? Or will it hurt the shoe and sole?? Any Ideas??

Thanks! :)

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Hey everyone. I just joined up and am in the process of putting together an ABS/Fiberglass Jango setup. Anyways, I was wondering if anyone had seen the Kenneth Cole Thunder Bird? They are not an exact likeness, but have a similar sole and are currenty available.

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I just found several Bedford Stu's with the same sole as the Module and KenCole Pit Crew. Of course I can't find any available (DOH) but at least it gives a few more options. They are the BedStu Capsule, Rover, and Lunar.



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Yea, those look pretty good. I will probably stick to my $24 walmart shoes until I get an exact match.
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Geez, even finding the Walwart Unitis has been very difficult. I checked 7 stores and only came across 2 pairs, but they were too small. I need like a size 10.
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ATTN: for all you folks that can't find the walmart no boundries unitis boots here is an alternative...I dont have a pic but i was at kmart today and they have boots with the same soles as the walmart boots....$19.99, buy one get the 2nd half off!!! The uppers are black and very similar to the unitis uppers these are pretty much the same shoe...

Black slip on
in a blue box with a smiley face

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Thanks a lot for the suggestion. I went down to Kmart and found the shoe you are talking about for 19.99 (And I picked up another shoe for only 8 bucks after the 50% off). Anyways, They are the exact same sole like you said. Black with the squared toe. The only difference was that they were not ankle high like the others and had a small stitching around them. But they are very similar and will work fine. Thanks for the heads up.
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I just realized that the shoes I am talking about from Kmart are the EXACT same ones that are shown on the first page of this thread from Journey's....only difference, mine were 19.99 and the Journey's one is 49.99!
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Jango Boots Idea

Short of finding the Kenneth Coles... There is one Great Boot mfr. New Rock boots.. We used them on several films i've worked on. Judge Dredd had them, Soldier, alot of Rock bands.. Check them out.. Most have metal trim on the outside too.. Leather does come with a price though..
Here's a question. I have the Bed-Stu Module shoe (I think that's what it's called). If I sent this guy Jim the shoes, could he just modify THEM into a Kenneth Cole look-alike, instead of trying to creat a whole new boot?
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Good question. I don't have an answer though. The hold up as been finding the sole. To date, it's still the hold up.
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That's just it ... the Bed Stus HAVE the sole. I was just thinking if that's the hold up, already having the sole would remedy the situation. What do you think?
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Apart from any copyright infringements, couldn't someone make a mold of the sole and cast it in rubber, or does that just sound too easy?
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